Як перекласти грами в ppm

Онлайн калькулятор. Конвертер величин. Грам

Грам – одиниця маси в Міжнародній системі одиниць (СІ), рівна 1/1000 кілограма.

Цей онлайн конвертер дозволить вам дуже просто перетворити масу з грам в інші одиниці вимірювання маси і ваги.

Конвертер величин. Грам

Для перетворення грамів в інші одиниці виміру:

  1. Введіть задане значення маси в грамах
  2. Натисніть кнопку “Перетворити”
  3. Готово! Перед вами значення маси в інших одиницях виміру.

Вводити можна лише числа або дроби (-2.4, 5/7, . ). Більш детально читайте в правилах вводу чисел.

Метрична система – загальна назва міжнародної десяткової системи одиниць, заснованої на використанні метра і кілограма.

Англійська система мір використовується у Великобританії, США та інших країнах.

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конвертер ppm

Десятичный, процент, промилле, ppm, ppb, калькулятор преобразования ppt

Введите часть пропорции в одно из текстовых полей и нажмите кнопку Конвертировать :

Смотрите также

  • Базовый конвертер
  • Двоичное в десятичное
  • Двоичный в шестнадцатеричный
  • Дата на римский
  • Десятичная дробь
  • От десятичного до процентов
  • Десятичное в двоичное
  • Десятичное в восьмеричное
  • Десятичное в шестнадцатеричное
  • Дробь в десятичную
  • Доля к процентам
  • Hex в двоичный
  • Шестнадцатеричный в десятичный
  • Восьмеричное в десятичное
  • Процент в десятичный
  • Процент в дробь
  • Процент в промилле
  • ppm в процент
  • ppm в ppb
  • ppm в ppt
  • ppb в ppm
  • ppt в ppm
  • конвертер ppm
  • Конвертер римских цифр

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ppm – parts per million

ppm is an abbreviation of parts per million. ppm is a value that represents the part of a whole number in units of 1/1000000.

ppm is dimensionless quantity, a ratio of 2 quantities of the same unit. For example: mg/kg.

One ppm is equal to 1/1000000 of the whole:

1ppm = 1/1000000 = 0.000001 = 1×10 -6

One ppm is equal to 0.0001%:


ppmw is an abbreviation of parts per million weight, a subunit of ppm that is used for part of weights like milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg).


ppmv is an abbreviation of parts per million volume, a subunit of ppm that is used for part of volumes like milliliters per cubic meter (ml/m 3 ).

Parts-per notations

Other part-per notations are written here:

Percent%10 -2
Per-mille10 -3
Parts per millionppm10 -6
Parts per billionppb10 -9
Parts per trillionppt10 -12

Chemical concentration

ppm is used to measure chemical concentration, usually in a solution of water.

Solute concentration of 1 ppm is solute concentration of 1/1000000 of the solution.

The concentration C in ppm is calculated from the solute mass msolute in milligrams and the solution mass msolution in milligrams .

C(ppm) = 1000000 × msolute / (msolution + msolute)

Usually the solute mass msolute is much smaller than the solution mass msolution.

Then the concentration C in ppm is equal to 1000000 times the solute mass msolute in milligrams (mg) divided by the solution mass msolution in milligrams (mg):

The concentration C in ppm is also equal to the solute mass msolute in milligrams (mg) divided by the solution mass msolution in kilograms (kg):

When the solution is water, the volume of mass of one kilogram is approximately one liter.

The concentration C in ppm is also equal to the solute mass msolute in milligrams (mg) divided by the water solution volume Vsolution in liters (l):

Concentration of CO2

The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is about 388ppm.

Frequency stability

The frequency stability of an electronic oscillator component can be measured in ppm.

The maximal frequency variation Δf, divided by the frequency f is equal to the frequency stability


Oscillator with frequency of 32MHz and accuracy of ±200ppm, has frequency accuracy of

Δf(Hz) = ±200ppm × 32MHz / 1000000 = ±6.4kHz

So the oscillator produces clock signal within the range of 32MHz±6.4kHz.

The supplied frequency variation is caused from temperature change, aging, supply voltage and load changes.

Decimal, percent, permille, ppm, ppb, ppt conversion calculator

Enter proportion part in one of the text boxes and press the Convert button:

Moles per liter (mol/L) to milligarms per liter (mg/L) to ppm conversion calculator

Water solution, molar concentration (molarity) to milligrams per liter to parts per million (ppm) converter.

PPM conversions

How to convert ppm to decimal fraction

The part P in decimal is equal to the part P in ppm divided by 1000000:

P(decimal) = P(ppm) / 1000000


Find the decimal fraction of 300ppm:

P(decimal) = 300ppm / 1000000 = 0.0003

How to convert decimal fraction to ppm

The part P in ppm is equal to the part P in decimal times 1000000:

P(ppm) = P(decimal) × 1000000


Find how many ppm are in 0.0034:

P(ppm) = 0.0034 × 1000000 = 3400ppm

How to convert ppm to percent

The part P in percent (%) is equal to the part P in ppm divided by 10000:


Find how many percent are in 6ppm:

P(%) = 6ppm / 10000 = 0.0006%

How to convert percent to ppm

The part P in ppm is equal to the part P in percent (%) times 10000:


Find how many ppm are in 6%:

P(ppm) = 6% × 10000 = 60000ppm

How to convert ppb to ppm

The part P in ppm is equal to the part P in ppb divided by 1000:


Find how many ppm are in 6ppb:

P(ppm) = 6ppb / 1000 = 0.006ppm

How to convert ppm to ppb

The part P in ppb is equal to the part P in ppm times 1000:


Find how many ppb are in 6ppm:

P(ppb) = 6ppm × 1000 = 6000ppb

How to convert milligrams/liter to ppm

The concentration C in parts-per million (ppm) is equal to the concentration C in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) and equal to 1000 times the concentration C in milligrams per liter (mg/L), divided by the solution density ρ in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m 3 ):

In water solution, the concentration C in parts-per million (ppm) is equal to 1000 times the concentration C in milligrams per liter (mg/L) divided by the water solution density at temperature of 20ºC, 998.2071 in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m 3 ) and approximately equal to the concentration C in milligrams per liter (mg/L):

How to convert grams/liter to ppm

The concentration C in parts-per million (ppm) is equal to 1000 times the concentration C in grams per kilogram (g/kg) and equal to 1000000 times the concentration C in grams per liter (g/L), divided by the solution density ρ in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m 3 ):

In water solution, the concentration C in parts-per million (ppm) is equal to 1000 times the concentration C in grams per kilogram (g/kg) and equal to 1000000 times the concentration C in grams per liter (g/L), divided by the water solution density at temperature of 20ºC 998.2071 in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m 3 ) and approximately equal to 1000 times the concentration C in milligrams per liter (mg/L):

How to convert moles/liter to ppm

The concentration C in parts-per million (ppm) is equal to the concentration C in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) and equal to 1000000 times the molar concentration (molarity) c in moles per liter (mol/L), times the solute molar mass in grams per mole (g/mol), divided by the solution density ρ in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m 3 ):

In water solution, the concentration C in parts-per million (ppm) is equal to the concentration C in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) and equal to 1000000 times the molar concentration (molarity) c in moles per liter (mol/L), times the solute molar mass in grams per mole (g/mol), divided by the water solution density at temperature of 20ºC 998.2071 in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m 3 ):

How to convert ppm to Hz

The frequency variation in hertz (Hz) is equal to the frequency stability FS in ppm times the frequency in hertz (Hz) divided by 1000000:


Oscillator with frequency of 32MHz and accuracy of ±200ppm, has frequency accu0racy of

Δf(Hz) = ±200ppm × 32MHz / 1000000 = ±6.4kHz

So the oscillator produces clock signal within the range of 32MHz±6.4kHz.

ppm to ratio, percent, ppb, ppt conversion table

Parts-per million (ppm)Coefficient / RatioPercent (%)Parts per billion (ppb)Parts per trillion (ppt)
1 ppm1×10 -60.0001%1000 ppb1×10 6 ppt
2 ppm2×10 -60.0002%2000 ppb2×10 6 ppt
3 ppm3×10 -60.0003%3000 ppb3×10 6 ppt
4 ppm4×10 -60.0004%4000 ppb4×10 6 ppt
5 ppm5×10 -60.0005%5000 ppb5×10 6 ppt
6 ppm6×10 -60.0006%6000 ppb6×10 6 ppt
7 ppm7×10 -60.0007%7000 ppb7×10 6 ppt
8 ppm8×10 -60.0008%8000 ppb8×10 6 ppt
9 ppm9×10 -60.0009%9000 ppb9×10 6 ppt
10 ppm1×10 -50.0010%10000 ppb1×10 7 ppt
20 ppm2×10 -50.0020%20000 ppb2×10 7 ppt
30 ppm3×10 -50.0030%30000 ppb3×10 7 ppt
40 ppm4×10 -50.0040%40000 ppb4×10 7 ppt
50 ppm5×10 -50.0050%50000 ppb5×10 7 ppt
60 ppm6×10 -50.0060%60000 ppb6×10 7 ppt
70 ppm7×10 -50.0070%70000 ppb7×10 7 ppt
80 ppm8×10 -50.0080%80000 ppb8×10 7 ppt
90 ppm9×10 -50.0090%90000 ppb9×10 7 ppt
100 ppm1×10 -40.0100%100000 ppb01×10 8 ppt
200 ppm2×10 -40.0200%200000 ppb2×10 8 ppt
300 ppm3×10 -40.0300%300000 ppb3×10 8 ppt
400 ppm4×10 -40.0400%400000 ppb4×10 8 ppt
500 ppm5×10 -40.0500%500000 ppb5×10 8 ppt
1000 ppm0.0010.1000%1×10 6 ppb1×10 9 ppt
10000 ppm0.0101.0000%1×10 7 ppb1×10 10 ppt
100000 ppm0.10010.0000%1×10 8 ppb1×10 11 ppt
1000000 ppm1.000100.0000%1×10 9 ppb1×10 12 ppt

See also

  • ppm to percent conversion
  • ppm to ppb conversion
  • ppm to ppt conversion
  • percent to ppm conversion
  • ppb to ppm conversion
  • ppt to ppm conversion
  • Percentage (%)
  • Per-mille (‰)
  • Electrical units
  • Math symbols
  • Numbers