Скільки альбомів у Prodigy

List of official The Prodigy tracks

All tracks listed above are officially released The Prodigy tracks. Information is splitted to 4 columns. First column contains link to audio file. The second column tells the track length, the third colum tells the name of the track and the fourth column tells where to find that track! I also would like to know if there are some tracks missing from the list, so if you noticed that something is missing, please tell!

Unauthorized bootleg remixes:
SMBU Slackermax mix by Slacker
DJ Elliot Ness remix of DJ Hype’s remix of SMBU
Fatboy Slim remix of SMBU
Live jam tracks etc.:
Action Radar Link
Army March Intro
Beat 552008Omen beta version.
Beats #22013Played at Exit fest.
Benny Blanco 20022002Came back to the setlist 2002. Liam has totally remixed this one.
Benny Blanco 20152015Played at Euro Tour 2015, features guitar riff from Dead Kennedys ‘California Uber Alles’.
Benny Blanco 971995-1997
Blow Your MindThe original version of Diesel Power with Maxim.
Breathe Dubstep2009
Charly (Rework)2005-2010
Dead Ken Beats2005-2008
Death Of Jugoslavia 2012Only played once. Featured at the start of this video.
Diesel Pain2009-2012Mashup of Diesel Power and Shut Your Mouth by Pain.
Dust Yo’ Self2002
Ethnic Intro1992-1994?An intro that was in Prodigy’s set for a long time, since 1992.
Everything We Do Is Gonna Be Funky1996-1997Short intro tune played before Funky Shit.
Everybody In The Place 152015
Firestarter/Smack My Bitch Up (Radio 1 Maida Vale Sessions Version) 2005Part of a 5 track recording for Radio 1.
Frequencies 2004Played once in 2004, AONO tour in Sweden.
Gabba1994-1997A classic last track in the set list.
Goodbye Rap1994-1997The song was a jam rap tune with Maxim rapping on it. Usually played before Gabba.
Gun Reprise2002
Hotride (Radio 1 Maida Vale Sessions Version)2005Part of a 5 track recording for Radio 1. Hotride was the only one that wasn’t broadcasted.
Jaws Fill2009-2013
Jericho 092009
Kick it In1995
Little Goblin2001-2002
Lyrical Terrorists1996Beta version of Serial Thrilla.
Mindfields (Rework)2008-2010
Mindfields vs Clash vs Public Enemy2008Mashup between Mindfields and The Clash ‘Should I stay or should I go’.
Narayan Beats1997
Nightboat to Cairo2002Madness cover. Middle section of the song is the beta version of Medusas Path.
No Good 062006-2013
Now Hear This1993-1996
Nuclear v12001-2002Version 1. This one is quite similar to Fuel My Fire.. punkkish track with James Bond sample.
Nuclear v22002Version 2 with a different structure.
Poison: Chapter II2013Heavy instrumental into poison lyrics.
Prepare for the Rush1997
Ride the Rhythm 1998-1999
Rock ‘N’ Roll 951994-1998This classic live tune was based on Kool Keith vocal sample.
Rock ‘N’ Roll 981998New ’98 version is totally different and contains more quitars.
Ska Beats 1995
Smack My Bitch Up [BETA]1996Different vocals.
Spitfast 2012Mashup between Spitfire and Nightbreed remix.
Spitfire (Radio 1 Maida Vale Sessions Version)2005Part of a 5 track recording for Radio 1.
The 95 Vibe1994-1995Played on New Years Eve in Dublin 1994. Liam’s remix of CJ Bolland’s version of ‘No Good (Start The Dance)’.
The Day2012This track was featured on a Same Old Sean release. Not to be confused with The Day Is My Enemy.
The Devil Inside Of You1993Claustrophobic Sting beta version.
Thunder 09 2009
Thunder Dub 2010-2014
Time To Get Funky And Raw1993-1994
Trigger2001-2002Although slightly less aggressive than Baby’s Got A Temper, Trigger is still fast and furious stuff, Prodigy style. It’s hard to do this track justice in terms of description, as it encompasses a variety of sounds from industrial to punk. But this is still pretty much a signature Prodigy track and is instantly recognisable as such with its heavy bassline, guitars, and menacing vocals from Keith Flint. Definitely one for the mosh pit, this track packs a hefty, speaker shuddering impact and is reminiscent of ‘Smack My Bitch Up’ and ‘Breathe’.
Unknown1999Played in Brazil 1999.
Unstoppable2008Mescaline beta version.
Vogue1994This jam tune was in Prodigy’s set in 1995 and it was played only rarely.
War2007DOG Collective cover.
Warning2004-2005Beta version of First Warning. This one was first played in 2004 gigs with Keef on vocals. Played also in 2005 gigs but version was changing all the time and later morphed to First Warning.
Warriors Dance 082008Original Sax intro found here @ 0:53 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRyAdLwlKlY
We Do What The Fuck We Want v11999Version 1. Played couple of times ’99 when the band was really trying to get some new material to play.
We Do What The Fuck We Want v21999Version 2 played at Sofia 1999.
We Eat Rhythm (Jungle Mix Live)1995Full version of We Eat Rhythm, known as the Jungle Mix.
Wind It Up (Rework)2009

Fake tracks:

songs that claim to be by The Prodigy but are infact fake?
This is the kind of shit you get when you use poor MP3-finding programmes like Napster.

UnbelievableIt’s definitely a fake. It’s orginally Dream Finder by Sound Corp.
Crystal Method – Sidewinder (featuring The Prodigy)It’s all bollocks, Prodigy haven’t worked with Crystal Method
Prodigy remix of Metallica’s ‘For Whom The Bell Tolls’DJ Spooky’s remix for the Spawn soundtrack
La Una ProgrammeDefinitely not a Prodigy track!

Рейтинг альбомів «Океану Ельзи» від найгіршого до найкращого

Спочатку ми хотіли подивитися усі кліпи «Океану Ельзи» без звуку, однак тоді у матеріалі було б одне речення — «Святослав Вакарчук стоїть, ходить, співає». Тому пропонуємо вам рейтинг альбомів гурту від найгіршого до найкращого (на нашу думку).

Давайте так: у «Океану Ельзи» немає поганих альбомів. Шлях гурту можна умовно поділити на два періоди — до «Суперсиметрії» та після. Уся дискографія гурту — це одне цілісне емоційно-романтичне полотно трагічно-пафосних гімнів коханню, надії, природі і Людині з великої літери «Л».

Святослав Вакарчук як поет і як вокаліст — це найміцніша константа в українській музиці, що майже не змінилася за більш ніж 20 років. І радикальних концептуальних змін сам «Океан Ельзи» за 20+ років теж не переживав.

Змінюються тільки відтінки — звучання, інструментарій та аранжування окремих пісень. І складно знайти український гурт, який би зрівнявся з «Океаном Ельзи» в плані впертості й проникливості.

Цікаво, що будь-яка критика з «Океаном Ельзи» не працює і ніколи не буде працювати. І не через те, що «Океан Ельзи» — це найголовніший український рок-гурт до кінця часів. А тому, що їхні пісні завжди про людяне, живе і вічне. Як можна критикувати вічність? Як можна дорікати світлу або надії? І як можна не бажати добра й світла, навіть якщо холодно й боляче?