Кого любить Джотаро


Джотаро Куджо/История

Большая часть юности Джотаро прошла, как у нормального японского ребенка.

Он участвовал во многих мероприятиях, в том числе играл в мяч, будучи малышом, бегал по беговой дорожке в детстве и посещал школу. На протяжении всего его детства его поддерживала его мать Холи, а его отец Садао постоянно гастролировал. Детали возможного перехода Джотаро в правонарушители к 17 годам неизвестны.

Крестоносцы звёздной пыли (1988) [ ]

Одержимый “Злым Духом” [ ]

Раньше он был таким хорошим мальчиком. и теперь я не знаю, что с ним случилось!

Джотаро в своей тюремной камере

В 1988 году, в возрасте семнадцати лет, Джотаро тяжело ранит четырех членов банды в драке. Зная, что его сила не может вырасти до такой длины, он начинает думать, что одержим “злым духом”, и поэтому сдается полиции. Несмотря на то, что полиция и Холи сообщают ему, что он свободен, Джотаро настаивает на том, чтобы остаться, продемонстрировав опасность: берет один из пистолетов полицейского и выстреливает себе в голову. Однако он не погибает, так как рядом с ним показалась третья рука, и он смог поймать пулю в воздухе.

Холи звонит своему отцу, Джозефу Джостару, чтобы разобраться в ситуации. После короткой беседы между Джотаро и Джозефом, Джотаро оказывается непоколебим, и Джозеф отправляет своего египетского друга Абдула. Затем Абдул вызывает своего собственного “злого духа”, известного как Magician’s Red, и блокирует конечности Джотаро огненными кольцами. В качестве защиты, “злой дух” Джотаро полностью предстает перед ним и успешно выпускает его из огня. Затем Джозеф говорит, что “злой дух” называется “стенд” и является проявлением жизненной силы человека. Разбивая железные прутья своей камеры, Джотаро случайно выходит из своей камеры. После освобождения Джотаро, Джозеф рассказывает ему реальную причину, по которой он и Абдул приехали в Японию. Вековой человек, известный как Дио Брандо, враг прапрадеда Джотаро Джонатана Джостара, снова воскрес.

Позже, Джозеф показывает свой стенд, Hermit Purple, Джотаро. Используя свою способность создавать видения отдаленных мест на пленке, Джозеф показывает Джотаро изображение Дио. Оно показало, что тело Дио на самом деле принадлежало Джонатану из-за звездообразного родимого пятна, которым обладают все кровные члены Семьи Джостар.

Первое сражение [ ]

Зло – это тот, кто использует слабых и смотрит на них свысока, особенно женщин! И это именно то, что ты сделал, не так ли?! Ты, наверное, думаешь, что стенд позволяет тебе избежать законов и последствий, не так ли. В таком случае, я буду судить тебя сам!!

На следующий день Джотаро идет в школу, и его постоянно окружают многие одноклассницы. Спускаясь по ступенькам, Джотаро режет ногу и летит в воздух. После того, как он ловит себя на ветвях, Джотаро встречает нового студента, Нориаки Какёина, который дает ему платок, чтобы очистить его рану. В офисе школьных медсестер Джотаро открывает платок Какёина, который показывает, что Какёин убьет его. Затем медсестра начинает сходить с ума, пытаясь ударить Джотаро ручкой, после чего появляется Какёин, говоря Джотаро, что медсестра одержима его стендом, Hierophant Green.

Джотаро вытаскивает имплант из тела Какёина

Освободив медсестру, вытащив Hierophant Green изо рта, Джотаро вынужден пострадать от фирменной атаки Какёина – “Изумрудный всплеск”. Джотаро переживает атаку и, после провозглашения Какёина злом за то, что он манипулировал слабым, отражает следующий Изумрудный Всплеск, хватает Какёина и безжалостно избивает его.

Джотаро приносит бессознательное тело Какёина в дом Куджо, чтобы получить информацию о Дио. Там Джозеф говорит Джотаро, что Какёин контролируется плотью Дио. Это привело к тому, что Какёин стал лояльным к Дио и через несколько дней убил бы его, а операция по удалению импланта только повредила бы его мозг. Используя точные движения рук своего стенда, Джотаро начинает удалять плоть Какёина. Несмотря на обратную атаку плоти, удаление проходит успешно, что позволяет Какёину прийти в себя. [1]

На следующий день Джотаро обнаруживает, что его мать Холи приобрела стенд по вине влияния Дио. Но из-за того, что Холи имеет гораздо более мягкую личность, она не способна контролировать свой стенд. По подсчетам Абдула, она умрет через 50 дней, и единственный способ вылечить ее – это убить Дио. Благодаря тому, что его стенд рисует муху Aswan We-We с фотографии Дио, Джотаро подтверждает, что Дио находится в реке Нил в Каире, Египте, поскольку известно, что эта муха проживает только в этом районе. Зная местонахождение Дио, Джотаро, Джозеф, Абдул и Какёин, которые были в долгу перед Джотаро за спасение своей жизни, начинают свои поиски в Египте. Затем Абдул дает стенду Джотаро имя – Star Platinum. [2]

Начало путешествия [ ]

Джотаро пойман Tower of Gray в самолете

После прощания с Холи, которая находилась на попечении Фонда Спидвагона, четверо отправляются из аэропорта Нарита и вылетают в Каир. Находясь над Восточно-Китайским морем, они замечают насекомое в самолете. Затем насекомое начинает нападать на Джотаро, который быстро понимает, что это стенд. [3] Абдул выясняет, что стенд известен как Tower of Gray, и его пользователь вызвал много аварий, из-за чего они выглядели как несчастные случаи. В то время как Джотаро может отразить атаку, Tower of Gray успевает убить несколько невинных людей, вырывая их языки. Однако, Какёин ловит Tower of Gray с помощью Hierophant Green и разрывает стенд в клочья. После поражения стенда выясняется, что пользователь стенда – Грэй Флай, старик, летевший с ними. [4]

Несмотря на поражение Грэй Флая, группа быстро обнаруживает, что пилоты уже были убиты с помощью Tower of Gray. Грэй Флай, умирая, говорит Джотаро и остальным, что он – только первый из многих убийц и что они никогда не дойдут до Египта. Не имея другого выбора, Джотаро и Джозеф вынуждены посадить самолет в 35 километрах от побережья Гонконга, и понимают, что им нужно отправляться в Египет по суше или по морю. [5]

Гонконг [ ]

Прибывая в Гонконг, группа обсуждает свой статус за едой. Вскоре, они встречают француза по имени Жан-Пьер Польнарефф, который быстро показывает, что он один из агентов Дио. В саду тигрового бальзама, Абдул сталкивается со стендом Польнареффа, Silver Chariot. После победы над ним Абдул понимает рыцарскую натуру Польнареффа и решает не убивать его. Затем Джотаро быстро удаляет имплант Польнареффа, точно так же, как он сделал это с Какёином. [5]

В ожидании их корабля, Польнарефф соглашается присоединиться к группе Джотаро и рассказывает им о своей первоначальной причине присоединения к Дио. Сестра Польнареффа была убита человеком с двумя правыми руками и он приходит к выводу, что убийца был одним из агентов Дио. [5]

Южно-Китайское море [ ]

Джотаро сражается с Dark Blue Moon под водой

Находясь на корабле, Джотаро спасает жизнь ребенку, упавшему за борт, от акулы. Ребенок, которого Джотаро быстро узнает как девочку, раньше прятался на борту. Когда они плыли обратно на корабль, на Джотаро и девушку едва не нападает существо в воде, которое оказалось подводным стендом. Вернувшись на борт, Абдул подозревает девушку в том, что она является пользователем стенда. Тем не менее, Джотаро догадывается, что пользователем стенда является капитан корабля, Теннилл, после того, как он обманывает его, заставив признать себя пользователем стенда. Теннилл, который признает себя лишь самозванцем настоящего капитана Теннилла, затем использует свой стенд, Dark Blue Moon, чтобы взять в заложники сбежавшую девочку. Джотаро быстро выкидывает Теннилла и спасает сбежавшую девочку, пока Теннилл скрывается в воде. Когда Джотаро выпускает “Беглую девчонку” обратно вверх, Теннилл утаскивает его в океан. Под водой, Теннилл покрывает Star Platinum ракушками, высасывая силы Джотаро. Затем Dark Blue Moon вызывает водоворот, который втягивает Джотаро. Тем временем, Джотаро концентрирует все свои силы в пальцах Star Platinum, которые затем отрезают часть головы Dark Blue Moon, убивая Теннилла. [6]

Джотаро видит способности Форевера

Вскоре после этого корабль взрывается, т.к. Теннилл уже заложил на нем бомбы. Через некоторое время, на спасательной лодке, Джотаро и другие наталкиваются на другой корабль. Когда все осматривают корабль, они обнаруживают, что на нем никого нет, за исключением орангутана. Ситуация оказывается опасной, когда один из членов экипажа Теннилла убит одним из крюков корабля. Джотаро и остальные ищут на корабле стенд или его пользователя, но ничего не могут найти. Во время поиска, Джотаро находит орангутана, Форевера, который как раз преследует беглянку. Джотаро сражается с Форевером и понимает, что это и есть пользователь стенда. Пока Джотаро продолжает свою борьбу, Форевер начинает использовать объекты всего корабля, чтобы атаковать его, а также поглощает стены. Когда Форевер уходит на безопасное расстояние, предметы с корабля начинают душить Джотаро и захватывать его команду. Становится очевидно, что весь корабль является стендом Форевера, Strength. Джотаро удачно избегает объектов, раздражая Форевера. Используя одну из своих школьных булавок и точные движения пальцев Star Platinum, Джотаро подбивает Форевера. Затем последний сдается, показывая Джотаро его живот, но Джотаро не прощает его и преследует, чтобы добить его до конца. [7] С поражением (или, возможно, смертью) Форевера, Strength начинает медленно разрушаться. Джотаро и остальные возвращаются на свою спасательную лодку и успешно добираются до Сингапура. [8]

Сингапур [ ]

Джотаро находит слабость Yellow Temperance

Уставшие от недавнего опыта, группа решает остаться в Сингапуре на один день. Путешествуя по Сингапуру с Какёином и сбежавшей девушкой, Джотаро видит, как Какёин чуть не убил мелкого вора. Поскольку личность Какёина была совсем другой, Джотаро сразу же становится подозрительным. После того, как Какёин почти толкнул его в большое здание, он ударяет его кулаком, показав, что Какёин – самозванец. Поддельным Какёином оказывается Раббер Соул, пользователь стенда, который способен использовать свой стенд Yellow Temperance, похожий на слизь, чтобы сформироваться в любую форму или существо.

Джотаро начинает сражаться с ним только для того, чтобы Yellow Temperance выгнал его из канатной дороги, в которой они находятся. Хотя Джотаро спасает себя, он замечает, что кусок Yellow Temperance прикрепился к нему, медленно пытаясь съесть его плоть. Увидев, что огонь и лед не смогут его остановить, Джотаро снова сражается с Раббером. Последний пытается полностью покрыть Джотаро своим Yellow Temperance, но запутавшись в нем, Джотаро может скинуть себя и Раббера в воду. Поскольку Раббер Соул должен снять Yellow Temperance с лица, чтобы дышать, Джотаро использует эту возможность, чтобы поразить Раббера.

Раббер Соул начинает молить о пощаде и рассказывать Джотаро об убийце сестры Польнареффа, которым является Джей Гайл, чьи способности связаны с зеркалами. Затем Раббер Соул контратакует Джотаро, используя Yellow Temperance, чтобы втянуть Джотаро в водопроводную трубу. Но Джотаро использует кулак Star Platinum, чтобы заткнуть водопроводную трубу, и давление воды заставляет Раббера влететь в воду. Раббер Соул пытается вновь молить Джотаро о пощаде, но последний избивает его. Позднее Джотаро присоединяется к группе, включая настоящего Какёина, чтобы сесть на поезд до их следующего пункта назначения, Индии. Без ведома Джотаро, беглая девчонка, которая влюбилась в Джотаро, внимательно следит за ними. [9]

Индия [ ]

Прибыв в Калькутту, Джотаро и другие быстро встречаются с местными жителями, в конце концов направляясь в кафе. Там Польнарефф сталкивается со стендом, использующим зеркала, понимая, что человек, который убил его сестру и использует стенд, находится в Калькутте. Решив взять битву в свои руки, Польнарефф уходит в одиночку сражаться с Джей Гайлом. Абдул и Какёин позже присоединяются к Польнареффу в его борьбе. [10] Позже, Джотаро и Джозеф находят Абдула раненым, так как он был подстрелен в голову напарником Джей Гайла, Хол Хорсом, с его стендом, Emperor, в форме пистолета. Впоследствии, его раны оказываются не смертельным, и, чтобы Абдул смог полностью выздороветь, команда решает подделать его смерть. [11] Уведя Абдула в безопасное место, Джотаро и Джозефу удается найти Какёина и Польнареффа, которые смогли успешно убить Джей Гайла. Тем не менее, они не смогли помешать Хол Хорсу убежать. [12]

Джотаро сражается с Wheel of Fortune

Когда они приближаются к границе, группа снова сталкивается с девочкой-беглянкой. После некоторых споров, Джотаро решает отвезти ее к границе, где они купят билеты для нее обратно в Гонконг. Когда они едут к границе, машина, с которой они столкнулись ранее, вынуждает их почти столкнуться со встречным грузовиком, а Star Platinum становится их единственным способом безопасного побега. На остановке для отдыха Джозеф видит там ту же машину. Подозревая водителя в качестве одного из клиентов внутри, Джотаро, Джозеф и Польнарефф избивают всех мужчин с мускулистыми руками, так как они были видны у водителя. Тем не менее, драка оказывается бесполезной, когда машина начинает удаляться, а лицо водителя все еще неизвестно. Из-за того, что водитель поменял дорожные знаки, группа въезжает в узкий горный путь и сбивается с обрыва машиной водителя. Благодаря совместным усилиям Hierophant Green и Star Platinum, группа подключает свою машину к машине противника и заставляет ее вернуться на обрыв. Вернувшись, Джотаро использует Star Platinum, чтобы пробить машину противника. Вскоре машина появляется снова, на самом деле оказываясь стендом, Wheel of Fortune. Стенд трансформируется и атакует Джотаро, Какёина и Польнареффа. Группа бежит, но Wheel of Fortune продолжает следовать за ними через узкие края и на вершину скал. Используя газ, оставшийся после полученных им ран, Wheel of Fortune поджигает Джотаро. Быстро смекнув, Джотаро избегает ожогов и пользуется возможностью приблизиться к Wheel of Fortune. Теперь, оказавшись в своем диапазоне, Джотаро использует Star Platinum, чтобы победить его. [13]

После победы над Wheel of Fortune группа видит, что пользователь, Зи Зи – просто тощий человек, единственной мускулистой частью тела которого являются руки. Чтобы убедиться, что он не нападет снова, они приковывают его к скале и забирают его паспорт. После устранения препятствия, Джотаро и остальные отправляются на следующем самолете обратно в Гонконг. [14]

Пакистан [ ]

Добравшись до Пакистана, группа Джотаро останавливается на ночь в городе

Star Platinum всасывает Justice

, покрытом туманом. Спустя некоторое время, они находят труп мужчины, который, похоже, умер от шока. Тело мужчины все в дырах, но крови на нем нет. Затем к ним подходит старая женщина, Эния, которая предлагает им переночевать в ее гостинице. Позже этой ночью, Джотаро отправляется на поиски Польнареффа, которого долго нет. Джотаро, который с подозрением относился к Энии, подтверждает свои мысли, когда она называет его по имени. Затем Джотаро говорит Энии, что он подписал свое имя как “Кьютаро Куджо” в гостевой книге, что укрепляет его подозрения в том, что она является пользователем стенда. Эния нападает на Джотаро со своим стендом, Justice, который, по сути, является туманом, окружаюшим город.

Star Platinum избивает Стили Дэна

Польнарефф и Хол Хорс, которые ранее оказались жертвой атаки, появляются и говорят ему, что Justice может завладеть кем-то с какой-либо раной на теле, включая трупы, объясняющие тайну трупа с того дня. Джотаро легко побеждает Justice, заставляя Star Platinum полностью вдохнуть туман и победить Энию. Justice теряет свой эффект, и весь город превращается в кладбище. Группа решает взять Энию с собой из-за ее знаний о способности стенда Дио и его местонахождении в Египте. [15]

В городе Карачи, появляется другой пользователь Стенда, Стили Дэн и передает Энии, что она потерпела неудачу. Имплант Энии убивает ее. Джотаро сразу нападает на Стили Дэна, но Джозеф чувствует боль, которую чувствовал Дэн. Дэн рассказывает, что его стенд, Lovers, глубоко проникла в тело Джозефа, и любая боль, которая была причинена Дэну, также затронет Джозефа. Поскольку на кону ​​жизнь его дедушки, Джотаро вынужден сделать все, что Дэн хочет, чтобы он сделал это, угрожая причинить вред себе (и, следовательно, Джозефу), если Джотаро не подчинится. В это время, Какёин и Польнарефф уменьшают свои стенды, проникают в мозг Джозефа и пытаются найти Lovers. После некоторого сражения, Hierophant Green побеждает Lovers, заставляя его покинуть мозг Джозефа. В последней попытке Дэн пытается взять под контроль Джотаро, а затем маленькую девочку, но видит, что Какёин уже привязал Hierophant Green к Lovers. Затем Джотаро избивает Дэна сильнее, чем любой из его предыдущих противников, и бросает в него листок бумаги, содержащий все жестокие поступки, которые он с ним сделал, назвав это “квитанцией”. [15]

Арабская пустыня [ ]

Группа Джостара узнает правду о работе The Sun

Из-за беспорядков в этом районе, группа предпочитает не ехать в Иран и Ирак, а проехать по проливу из Карачи в Абу-Даби. Катаясь на верблюдах, они путешествуют через Аравийскую пустыню из Абу-Даби в Саудовскую Аравию. Когда начинается жара, Джозеф удивляет группу, сказав, что на самом деле должна быть ночь. Вскоре они понимают, что само Солнце (The Sun) является стендом, когда оно поднимается с запада. Жара усиливается настолько, что даже скорпионы не могут с ней справиться. Какёин даже пытался атаковать The Sun напрямую, но оно отражает атаку назад. Однако, найдя тень под камнем, они находят и пользователя, Арабия Фэтс, который использовал зеркало, чтобы скрыться. Простым броском камня, Фэтс выбит, и группа смогла продвигаться дальше в холодную пустынную ночь. [16]

На частном самолете группа вынуждена забрать с собой больного ребенка в соседний город. Во время полета, спящий Какёин начинает волноваться и ломает самолет. В то время как Джозефу удается сохранить равновесие, они сталкиваются с кокосовой пальмой и падают. Несмотря на то, что все оказались в безопасности, странное отношение Какёина продолжалось, когда он пытался причинить вред ребенку, Мэниш Бою. Той ночью, после того как они все уснули, Джотаро и другие просыпаются в мире снов и сталкиваются с вражеским стендом, Death Thirteen, который контролируется Мэниш Боем. Они оказываются не в состоянии использовать свои стенды и подвергаются его атаке. Однако Какёин, который вызвал свой стенд перед сном, использует Hierophant Green в мире снов. Таким образом, Какёин побеждает Death Thirteen и освобождает остальных. С их стендами, неактивными в мире снов, все, кроме Какёина, забывают эти события и в конечном счете отправляют Мэниш Боя в его семью. [17]

Jotaro pummels The High Priestess’s teeth.

Красное море [ ]

Встретив Абдула [18] (и сказав Польнареффу о том, что “смерть” Абдула – поддельная), он рассказывает, что купил подводную лодку, по которой они плывут через Красное море. Некоторое время плавание проходит хорошо, пока на них не нападает High Priestess, вражеский стенд, управляемый пользователем по имени Мидлер. Используя свою способность превращаться во что-либо стеклянное, металлическое или резиновое, High Priestess пытается утопить и атаковать их, используя металлические предметы. Когда подводная лодка тонет, Джотаро и другие вынуждены взять акваланг и выплывать вручную. High Priestess трансформируется в тело океана и проглатывает их. Она пытается раздавить Джотаро своими зубами, но Джотаро использует Star Platinum, чтобы полностью разбить зубы High Priestess, тем самым сломав собственные зубы Мидлер и выбив ее. Затем они выходят на берег. После 30 дней опасности они, наконец, добираются до Египта. [11]

Египет: Река Нил [ ]

Джотаро узнает об ухудшении состояния своей матери

По запросу Джозефа, Фонд Спидвагона отправляет дополнительную помощь в виде другого пользователя Стенда, пользователя The Fool. Пользователь оказывается псом по имени Игги, который может управлять песком вокруг себя. Перед отъездом сотрудники фонда также рассказали Джотаро и Джозефу, что состояние Холи с каждым днем ухудшается и что ей осталось всего около двух недель. Они также сказали им, что видели девять других людей, идущих в ту же зону, которую, как предполагалось, скрывал Дио перед тем, как взлететь. [19]

Джотаро хоронит Эн’Доула в египетском песке

Через некоторое время, проезжая по пескам, Джотаро и другие обнаруживают, что один из сотрудников умер, захлебнувшись водой. Другой сотрудник быстро обезглавлен, когда из фляги Джозефа выходит вода и вонзается ему в голову. Понимая, что теперь они подвергаются нападению со стороны водного стенда, Geb, группа пытается отделиться. Geb нападает на Какёина, режет ему глаза и переходит на Польнареффа. Прежде чем Польнарефф будет атакован, цифровые часы мертвого сотрудника начинают издавать звуковые сигналы. Вместо этого Geb атакует часы, указывая на то, что он атакует с помощью звука. После нескольких попыток убежать или напасть на него, их машина была уничтожена, и Абдул был тяжело ранен. Не имея другого выбора, Джотаро заставляет Игги использовать The Fool, чтобы доставить их к месту нахождения пользователя стенда. Джотаро видит, что пользователь, Эн’Доул, слеп и полагается исключительно на звук для атаки. Джотаро отвлекает Эн’Доула, бросая в него Игги, и пользуется этим моментом, чтобы зайти за спину Эн’Доула и нанести сильный удар. Будучи побежденным, Эн’Доул решает покончить с собой с помощью Geb. Несмотря на то, что он не боится смерти, он не хочет быть убитым своим спасителем, Дио, за свою неудачу. Перед смертью Эн’Доул говорит Джотаро, что Geb был одним из Девяти богов Египта, подразумевая, что другие боги также являются пользователями стендов. Джотаро хоронит Эн’Доула в песке и, казалось, начинает дружбу с Игги (хоть и натянуто). [19]

Новелла, Глава 1: One-Way Trip from the Desert to Hell City [ ]

(Информация, выделенная курсивом ниже, получена из лайт-новеллы, написанной не Араки, и может не рассматриваться каноном.)

Группа Джостаров, измученная жаром нубийской пустыни, неожиданно сталкивается с Авессаломом, который представляет себя водителем локомотива Satanic Coupler и предлагает убежище для них внутри него. Узнав, что Satanic Coupler на самом деле является стендом, Джотаро вместе с Полнареффом и Игги сбегают из поезда. После того, как Авессалом ранил мальчика во время атаки, разъяренный Джотаро делает его жертвой своего гнева, благодаря плану Джозефа по повреждению слабого места Satanic Coupler. В последней попытке, Авессалом пытается убить Абдула, но терпит поражение от комбинированной атаки Hierophant Green и Star Platinum и выходит из строя.

Джотаро ранен Anubis

Джотаро и остальные быстро доставляют Какёина и Абдула в больницу. [20] В то время как Абдул быстро восстанавливается, Какёину приходится остаться в больнице. Хорошей новостью становится то, что его зрачки не были повреждены, и он смог присоединиться к ним через несколько дней. Позже, Польнарефф сталкивается с врагом, Чакой, но быстро побеждает его и забирает его меч. В то время как меч стоял в парикмахерской, Anubis, живой стенд, овладевает парикмахером, [21]

Джотаро и Польнарефф готовятся побить Алесси

В то время как Джозеф и Абдул имеют дело с вражеским пользователем, [22] Джотаро и Польнарефф вскоре вовлечены в собственную битву. Польнарефф превращается в ребенка благодаря способности врага Алесси и его стенда Sethan. Алесси пользуется размером Польнареффа и пытается убить его. В итоге, Джотаро чисто случайно приходит на их битву, но Алесси быстро превращает его в ребенка, примерно семи лет. Поскольку он только недавно получил Star Platinum, теперь он оказывается не в состоянии использовать его. Несмотря на этот недостаток, Джотаро, который всегда был сильным, даже когда был ребенком, все еще способен победить Алесси голыми руками и вернуть их к их первоначальному возрасту. Когда Алесси просыпается, Джотаро и Польнарефф продолжают бить его в забвение. Вскоре они снова встречаются с Джозефом и Абдулом. [23]

Получив звонок от Фонда Спидвагона, Джозеф сообщает всем, что Холи осталось жить всего четыре или пять дней. Чтобы ускорить процесс, они садятся на поезд из Луксора в Каир. [24]

Египет: Каир [ ]

Добравшись до Каира, Джозеф использует Hermit Purple, чтобы сфотографировать новый особняк Дио. Они продолжают расспрашивать, но не могут найти никого, кто бы знал его местонахождение. Затем они встречают человека, Дэниэл Джей Д’Арби, который утверждает, что знает местонахождение особняка. Однако, будучи игроком, Д’Арби говорит им, что они должны сыграть с ним, чтобы узнать такую ​​информацию. Польнарефф играет в игру, в которой нужно угадать, какой кусок говяжьего вяленого мяса получит кошка. Но Польнарефф проигрывает пари, когда кот берет другой кусок, и Д’Арби забирает его душу в процессе. Д’Арби показывает, что он является вражеским пользователем стенда, и каждый раз, когда кто-то проигрывал в его играх, его Стенд, [25]

Джотаро играет с Д’Арби в покер

Джотаро демонстрирует Д’Арби точное зрение Star Platinum, сказав ему, что ему будет непросто обмануть. Даже после этого Д’Арби пробует другую тактику блефа, в результате чего Star Platinum ломает ему указательный палец. Используя ближайшего мальчика в качестве дилера, Джотаро ставит свою душу, чтобы начать игру. Д’Арби разделяет души Джозефа и Польнареффа на шесть фишек каждая, что означает, что Джотаро придется выиграть минимум две партии, чтобы вернуть их. Джотаро проигрывает первую партию, потеряв три из шести своих фишек души. Второй раз, Джотаро решает не смотреть на свои карты, а также добавляет к ставке душу Абдула. Д’Арби в ответ добавляет к ставке полную душу Абдула, а затем – Джозефа. Джотаро, сохраняя хладнокровие, ставит душу Какёина. Чтобы запугать Д’Арби, Джотаро использует скорость Star Platinum, чтобы зажечь сигарету и получить немного сока.

Команда Джостара достигает особняка Дио

Затем он ставит душу своей матери и говорит Д’Арби, что в ответ он должен рассказать им секрет стенда Дио. С возможностью проиграть (и, следовательно, раскрыть секрет, а затем быть убитым Дио за то, что он предатель), Д’Арби падает без сознания, автоматически сложив руку. Увидев руку Д’Арби с четырьмя королями, Абдул удивился, увидев, что рука Джотаро не имела ничего важного. Поражение Д’Арби освобождает души каждого, но Д’Арби настолько истощен, что не может рассказать, где находится особняк. [25]

Продолжая поиски, Джотаро и остальные в конце концов снова натыкаются на Хол Хорса. Он пытается взять Польнареффа в заложники, но его легко избивают. Мгновение спустя их сбивает грузовик, но они разбираются с незначительными травмами. Без их ведома, Хол Хорс в итоге случайно ранен. [26] Они продолжают допрос, пока они не находят нищего, у которого имеется много информации. Он не возвращается, так как убит другим пользователем стенда. [27]

(Информация, выделенная курсивом ниже, получена из лайт-новеллы, написанной не Араки, и может не рассматриваться каноном.)
Когда его друзья внезапно исчезают, Джотаро спрашивает продавца, у которого он ранее купил одну бутылку духов, видел ли он их. Торговец сообщает Джотаро о местонахождении своих друзей, что заставляет его бежать к ним, полагая, что группа находится в опасности. Вскоре он встречает врага, который следовал за группой, Писарь Ани, который пытается победить Джотаро, создав Аммита W , самого сильного древнего зверя Египта. Аммит оказывается могущественным врагом, но внезапно исчезает после того, как Польнарефф и Джозеф наносят урон той части, где существо описано на страницах Ptah. Джотаро ослепляет Писаря Ани, бросая в него одну бутылку духов, которую он ранее купил, чтобы он не мог призвать что-либо еще, а затем уничтожает тело Писаря Ани шквалом “ORA ORA”.

На следующий день к ним возвращаются Игги, который только что оправился от серьезной битвы с еще одним врагом, и Какёин, которого наконец выпустили из больницы. Все шестеро теперь снова собрались вместе, и Игги приводит их к особняку Дио. [28]

Битва в особняке Дио [ ]

Джотаро играет против Теленса Т. Д’Арби.

Команда прибывает в особняк Дио и приветствует ее дворецкого Теленса, младшего брата Дэниэла Джея Д’Арби. Д’Арби быстро отделяет Джотаро, Джозефа и Какёина от Польнареффа, Абдула и Игги и отводит их в свою игровую комнату. Затем Д’Арби бросает троим вызов в видеоиграх, и если они потеряют свою душу, её переведут в одну из его кукол. Сначала Д’Арби бросает вызов Какёину в гоночной игре. Несмотря на то, что Какёин отлично играет, Д’Арби побеждает и забирает душу Какёина. Затем Д’Арби бросает вызов Джотаро в видеоигре по бейсболу. Вначале Джотаро пропускает и поддается Д’Арби. Однако, “запомнив” игровой процесс, Джотаро удается успешно забить четыре удара и воспользоваться преимуществом. Но это не отвлекает Д’Арби, и он снова берет на себя инициативу. Когда игра продолжается, Джотаро понимает, что стенд Д’Арби, Atum, умеет читать мысли человека. Затем Джотаро начинает объявлять свои следующие атаки, но атаки, которые он фактически делает, оказываются другими. Д’Арби смотрит в душу Джотаро, но обнаруживает, что он не лжет. Джотаро продолжает эту тактику и в конце концов побеждает Д’Арби. Поражение Д’Арби позволяет вернуть Какёина в его тело, и выясняется, что уловка была в том, что Джозеф использовал Hermit Purple для управления игрой. Так как Какёин теперь в безопасности, Джотаро избивает Д’Арби достаточно сильно, чтобы парализовать его. [28]

The Crusaders realize DIO is near.

После победы в игре, Джотаро, Джозеф и Какёин идут дальше в особняк. Вскоре после этого особняк начинает рушиться, показывая, что Польнарефф и Абдул сражаются с другим врагом где-то еще внутри. [29] Затем они направляются к башне особняка, где, как они подозревают, находятся Польнарефф и Абдул. [30] Они вскоре сталкиваются с одним из оставшихся лакеев Дио, Нукесаку, которого Джотаро легко победил. В обмен на то, что они оставят его в живых, они берут с собой Нукесаку, чтобы получить любую необходимую им информацию в последний момент. [31]

Вскоре трио снова встречается с Польнареффом, который сражался с Дио. Последний пользуется возможностью подняться выше башни особняка. Польнарефф рассказывает им об Абдуле и Игги, которые погибли, сражаясь с главным помощником Дио. Сдерживая свою грусть, четверка подходит к вершине башни и находит шкатулку Дио. Затем они заставляют Нукесаку открыть гроб. Однако вместо Дио они находят Нукесаку в гробу. Это их первый шанс увидеть стенд Дио, The World. Чувствуя опасность, Джотаро и другие покидают замок. С наступлением темноты они знают, что Дио начнет преследовать их. [31]

Финальная битва [ ]

Ты проиграл всего-лишь по одной причине, Дио. Ответ простейший. Ты меня разозлил.

Затем команда решила разделиться, Джотаро и Польнарефф с одной стороны, а Джозеф и Какёин с другой. Джотаро и Польнарефф угоняют мотоцикл, дабы продолжить поиски вампира. Они нашли два разбитых автомобиля, что указывало на то, что Джозеф и Какёин уже сражались с Дио. Джотаро смог найти Джозефа, который прежде чем умереть от руки вампира сообщил Джотаро, что The World останавливает время. Джотаро, разозлённый смертью Джозефа и своего друга начинает сражаться с Дио. Джотаро видит, что The World и Star Platinum обладают одинаковой скоростью и силой. Они начали атаковать друг друга шквалом ударов своих стендов, но The World оказался быстрее и нанёс удар по Star Platinum. Дио останавливает время и готовится добить Джотаро, но тот показывает способность двигаться в тайм-стопе, хоть и немного. Дио остановил время второй раз. Затем вампир обнаружил магнит на руке и руке Джотаро, что создавало иллюзию что Джотаро может двигаться в остановленном времени и второй раз пытается нанести смертельный удар, однако получает удар от Star Platinum. Дио отлетел, но быстро восстановился благодаря тому, что выпил кровь продавщицы мрамора. Дио остановил время ещё раз и начал метать в Джотаро ножами. Star Platinum отбил большую часть из них, но несколько всё же ранили Джотаро и он упал на землю. Оказалось что он набил одежду книгами, чтобы избежать ранений. Вампир решает убить его наверняка, но как раз в этот момент его атакует Польнарефф. Дио останавливает время и вырубает француза. Вампир предпринимает ещё одну попытку убить Куджо, но Star Platinum пробивает его череп, от чего он слабеет настолько, что не может даже ходить. Джотаро обливает его бензином, чтобы отслеживать по запаху. Дио остановил время и попытался сбежать, прицепившись к бамперу машины. Джотаро кидает в бампер нож, который Дио ранее кинул в Джотаро, вампир пытается убежать через канализационный люк, но Джотаро и на этот не даёт ему этого сделать. Вампир пробует напасть на Джотаро, но он атакует Дио Star Platinum. Однако Дио его перехитрил, говоря что кровь Джозефа и есть его путь отступления и он её выпивает.

Джотаро видит как призрак Джозефа устремляется к небесам. Он говорит внуку чтобы тот не поддавался гневу, но Дио оскверняет труп Джозефа, опустошая его до последней капли крови, что вывело его из себя. Дио снова остановил время и на пятой секунде Джотаро атакует вампира, но теперь он способен останавливать время не на 5, а на 9 секунд и в конце своего тайм-стопа Дио опять атакует Джотаро. Дио решил убить Джотаро наверняка и сбросил на него асфальтоукладчик. Дио думает что он победил, но оказалось что Джотаро остановил время под конец атаки на 9 секунде. Джотаро разбивает вампиру ноги и собирается добить, но тот ослепляет его кровью и готовится нанести решающий удар, однако Джотаро делает тоже самое и уничтожает стенд Дио, тем самым убивая его самого


  1. SC: Глава 6: Проклятие Дио
  2. Chapter 121: ↑Chapter 122: ↑Chapter 123: Insect Attack!
  3. ↑ 5,05,15,2SC: Глава 10-12: ↑Chapters 127-129: ↑Главы 130-132: ↑Главы 133-135: ↑Главы 136-139: Yellow Temperance (сюжетная арка)
  4. Главы 140-145: Император и Повешенный
  5. ↑ 11,011,1Главы 179-182: Высшая жрица (сюжетная арка) Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег : название «C179-182» определено несколько раз для различного содержимого
  6. Главы 146-149: ↑Chapters 150-153: Колесо фортуны (сюжетная арка)
  7. Главы 154-159: Justice (сюжетная арка)
  8. ↑ 15,015,1Chapters 160-165: ↑Chapters 166-167: ↑Chapters 168-173: Death 13 (story arc)
  9. Chapters 174-178: Judgement
  10. ↑ 19,019,1Chapters 183-188:
  11. Chapters 189-192:
  12. SC: Глава 80-85: Бог Анубис (сюжетная арка)
  13. SC: Глава 85-90: ‘Богиня Bastet’ Мэрайи
  14. SC: Глава 91-95: ‘Бог Sethan’ Алесси
  15. Chapter 210: ↑ 25,025,1Chapters 211-216: D’Arby the Gambler
  16. Главы 217-221: ↑Chapters 222-226: ↑ 28,028,1Chapters 227-237: ↑↑ 31,031,1Главы 247-264:


Jotaro Kujo (空条 承太郎 Kūjō Jōtarō) is the protagonist of Stardust Crusaders and the main character in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future. He is the first character introduced with a Stand, Star Platinum.

One day Jotaro claims to be possessed by an evil spirit and locks himself at a prison. His grandfather, Joseph Joestar and his assistant, Muhammad Avdol pay him a visit and explain to him that his evil spirit is actually an emanation of his spiritual power, called a Stand and that its sudden appearance is related to the awakening of Joestar’s sworn enemy, the vampire DIO. Jotaro’s mother, Holly, also becomes affected by this and develops a Stand that drains her of her life due to her spirit not being powerful enough. After defeating the first two assassins sent by DIO, Kakyoin, and Polnareff, Jotaro saves their lives from removing DIO’s flesh buds that controlled them. Now the party of 5 travels to Egypt together to find and stop DIO before Holly dies due to her Stand.

Jotaro is a very powerful close range oriented character with very good normals and fast attacks that can easily cause a Stand Crash. He has a very strong pressure game and devastating supers. A lot of his combos lead to hard knockdowns where Jotaro’s true potential lies, as he has some of the best okizeme options in the game. His only major weakness is the fact he has no long-range attacks.

Pros & Cons

+ Very strong and fast normals, including the fastest jab in the game
+ Very good mixups and okizeme thanks to his Star Finger attack
+ Fast movement
+ Can easily cause stand crash with and without meter
+ Strong supers
+ Long and stylish combos
+ Fast meter gain
+ Relatively easy to preform Touch Of Deaths utilizing stand crash
+ Has both simple and difficult combos

– Low Stand Gauge, meaning he can be Stand Crashed easily
– All of his attacks are considered physical hits, meaning they’re susceptible to Counter attack specials
– No long-range attacks
– Many whiffed attacks can be easily punished, including some supers
– Has somewhat tight links


Stand OFF


17 (Hit/Block | 3-3-11)
33 (Hit/Block | 6-2-25)
38 (Hit/Block | 7/13-2/3)
18 (Hit/Block | 3-1-14)
31 (Hit/Block | 3-2-26)
41 (Hit/Block | 7-3-31)

Command Normals

6C/4C (close) – Jotaro grabs the opponent while Star Platinum sends them flying with a powerful punch. Opponents can recover from this grab. It can be punished in corner by a large handful of characters and even midscreen by a select few, but that doesn’t prevent it from being quite a solid grab. An incredibly strong way to grab the opponent is to dash in stand off and press S+6ABC. In grab range, it will grab the opponent instantly as turning on your stand cancels your dash. When you’re outside of grab range you will get s.5A instead, which is cancellable and confirmable on hit, a much better result than s.5C.

31 (Hit/Block | 5-4-22)
41 (Hit/Block | 8/11-7)

Dashing Normals

20 (Hit/Block | 2-4-14)
32 (Hit/Block | 6-2-24)
27 (Hit/Block | 8-3-16)
29 (Hit/Block | 7-1-21)
42 (Hit/Block | 8-2-32)
44 (Hit/Block | 12-2-30)

Stand ON


23 (Hit/Block | 2-2-19)
28 (Hit/Block | 5-3-20)
37 (Hit/Block | 7-2-28)
29 (Hit/Block | 5-2-22)
26 (Hit/Block | 4-3-19)
36 (Hit/Block | 6-2-28)
45 (Hit/Block | 8-6-31)

Air UB Launcher

s.2C (Chain Ender)

Command Normals

s.6C/s.4C (close) – Same as Stand Off version. Jotaro grabs the opponent while Star Platinum punches them away. Slightly worse recovery allowing Oldseph and Chaka to punish midscreen. Not practical enough as of yet to fear.

59 (Hit/Block | 25-2-32)

Dashing Normals

21 (Hit/Block | 2-3-16)
38 (Hit/Block | 8-2-28)
45 (Hit/Block | 11-3-31)
31 (Hit/Block | 4-3-24)
36 (Hit/Block | 6-2-28)
57 (Hit/Block | 20-5-22)

Special Moves

Blazing Fists (Stand Off) – 236 + A/B/C

Depending on the button pressed, Star Platinum will travel longer distance while performing this attack. While performing this move, Jotaro can freely move around and attack the opponent. This move is generally only useful as a meaty attack for okizeme or as a combo extension. It comes out fast but it can be easily punished when done randomly. Can also be used to make an IOH j.C safe on hit.

Blazing Fists (Stand On)s.236 + A/B/C (Air OK, mash to extend duration)

Depending on the button pressed, Star Platinum will move further while performing this attack, but the attack will also come out slower. This move can be used as an anti-air or a combo extension/combo ender. It does a very high amount of Stand Gauge damage. It can be canceled into s.214+A/B/C at any time.

Blazing Strike (Stand Off)214 + A/B/C

Depending on the button pressed, Star Platinum will cover a longer distance, but the move will also come out slower. Jotaro is free to move while this attack is happening. It is typically thought of as the glue that holds Jotaro’s confirms together. While it can occasionally be used as a poke, it is ill-advised. Solid pressure tool as well, just make sure to avoid hyper hopping on block.

Blazing Strike (Stand On)s.214 + A/B/C, 214 + A/B/C

Depending on the button pressed, Star Platinum will cover a longer distance, but the move will also come out slower. This special is the ideal combo ender in Stand On for Jotaro and allows him to either launch or cause hard knockdown. There are three types of follow-ups which you can perform. Note that when done fast enough, you can actually skip the animation of the first attack and instantly perform the follow-up.

A Link – Star Platinum does a low kick that causes hard knockdown. Your primary combo ender. Note that it can be punished by some faster attacks. Also, it does no Stand Gauge damage and won’t work against characters with Stand On, so make sure you caused a Stand Crash before using it.
B Link – Star Platinum delivers a powerful elbow strike that launches the opponent. Your safest combo ender. Can be useful during blockstrings as it can lead to a Stand Crash.
C Link – Star Platinum performs an insanely fast smash that causes the opponent to either instantly hit the ground or to fly into the wall. Very risky as it is very punishable on block and does the least damage. While it provides hard knockdown in some situations, it’s much worse than the A variation. Unlike the A version, it turns off the opponent’s Stand once it connects. The only good thing about this follow up is that when it’s done from the A version of Blazing Strike, it will cover a very long distance. It also comes out faster than the rest of the follow-ups.

Blazing Strike has a bonus follow-up with 623+A/B/C Star Finger but only when starting the string from s.214+A. This is mostly useful for frame traps as Star Finger will most likely not combo after any follow-up, except for s.214+A>214+C>623+A/B/C in the corner (combo must be short enough or 214+C will cause hard knockdown).

Star Finger (Stand Off)623 + A/B/C (can be charged)

This version of Star Finger while not being the best meaty Jotaro has, works best as a follow-up during Jotaro’s okizeme. After a brief charge, Jotaro can freely move while this attack is performed. Extremely safe on both block and hit, Star Finger grants Jotaro some very safe 50/50 play. This move can be held in order to extend its duration and use it at the center time.

After a very long while, this attack becomes unblockable, though you’ll never land it in a real game because it just takes too long.

Air UB Unblockable (Max charge)

Star Finger (Stand On)s.623 + A/B/C (can be charged)

Unlike the Stand Off version, Jotaro cannot move while performing this move. While not as useful as the Stand Off version, it can be still used as a combo extension after s.5C (close) and s.d.5C. After this move connects, you can combo with s.5A.

After a very long while, this attack becomes unblockable, though you’ll never land it in a real game because it just takes too long.

Air UB Unblockable (Max charge)

Stand Activation Attack (Stand Off)236 + S

Jotaro’s easiest hitconfirm out of pretty much any Stand Off normal. Very useful as it does high (stand) damage, comes out fast, builds meter and it can be canceled into s.214+A/B rekka special. Safe on block. Can combo into s.5A at a very close distance.


Jaguar Varied Assault (Stand Off)236 + AA

Basically a longer version of Jotaro’s Blazing Fists special. The last hit launches the opponent, but if you time yourself with the last hit, your last attack will overwrite the launcher properties and allow you to continue the combo (you can also push the opponent with Jotaro himself). It can be also used for 50/50 setups, but again, that is not recommended. Note that it can be blocked midair unlike the Special versions of the move. There is one very strong use of this move, being the BBC Link. It is quite a strange technique but is not too difficult once you start Jotaro’s advanced combos. Adds a significant amount of damage to any combo.

Jaguar Varied Assault (Stand On)s.236 + AA (Air OK)

This version of the move does not last as long as the Stand Off version, but still does high damage and can be used as a combo ender after s.5B. Last hit does the most damage and launches the opponent.

The midair version of this move is not too good when performed on an opponent that’s STILL STANDING as it does not cause the launch on the final hit and is PUNISHABLE after it ends. Avoid using it unless it’s a midair combo or when it can kill the opponent. It can be used in some combos to cause a Stand Crash as well, but such things are not recommended in normal play. Despite being a little risky, it’s alright as a TOD ender or if you wish to try and kill from an IOH or niche throw punish.

Star Breaker (Stand Off)214 + AA (Cancel with S, can be charged)

This super comes out quick and is very useful as a hitconfirm for some easy damage. Not the most optimal combo ender but it does its job well when you’re out of options. This super does not have many invincibility frames, which does not make it a good reversal. This attack can be held to increase its duration while Jotaro can freely move around and attack the opponent. While charging this move, you can tap S to instantly cancel this attack. It can be used to bait the opponent into rolling. This move always causes a Stand Crash once it connects. Although the stand on variant is incredibly strong, the stand off variant has plentiful use. It becomes a strong brute forcve poke, as it is still rewarding on air hit and block. You can confirm IOHs with the held variant, force AUBs, and even combo into knockdown from it on a stand crash.

After a very long while, this attack becomes unblockable, though you’ll never land it in a real game because it just takes too long.

Unblockable (Max charge)

Star Breaker (Stand On)s.214 + AA (Cancel with S, can be charged)

This version of the super comes out slightly slower, meaning that it’s impossible to combo into it from Jotaro’s light and medium attacks in Stand On (unless they caused a Stand Crash). Jotaro also cannot move while charging the attack. It has FAR more invincibility frames and covers more range, turning it into one of the best long-range punish tools in the game, and it can still combo off Jotaro’s s.5C (close) and s.d.5C. It can also be canceled with the S button. This move always causes a Stand Crash once it connects. On start-up and cancel you gain quite a large amount of I-frames. On hit against a stand-on opponent, you can combo into s.j.A s.j.236AA if you need to squeeze more damage.

After a long while, this attack becomes unblockable. From all of Jotaro’s attacks, this version of the super charges the quickest. Still, it takes a long while and you’ll most likely never land it in a real game.

Unblockable (Max charge)

Tandem Attack214 + S or s.214 + S

For Jotaro, your most common button combination to do in tandem is 5A>5B>5C any number of times (5 is recommended for most characters). After your tandem ends, you can continue your combo. When you input your combinations, remember that your stand cannot link its 5C attack into 5A, so you have to keep the enemy in hitstun and combo by hitting them in the middle of your stand attacks.

You can also use the 5B>5B>2B string as it can combo on its own and will hit any crouching enemies. Alternatively, you can also try 2A>2B>2A>2B>2B.

If you have a lot of meter to spend, try performing 236+AA multiple times during a tandem. It leads to some insane damage, though opponent might have a slight chance of recovering from it. It is best to just use the super 3 times in a tandem if possible.

Finally, the best way to end your tandem is with 623+A/B/C. Star Finger is very positive on hit and grants you pretty much any follow-up after the tandem ends.

Star Platinum “The World”6, B, A, 6, S or s.6, B, A, 6, S (Level 3 Super)

Time Stop is mostly useless outside of proper Stand Crash combos due to its long startup animation which can be easily punished. It is mostly a stylish super that is only used to show one’s skills at the game. If done center, it leads to massive damage, however, do note that all damage dealt during a time stop will be scaled down, therefore time stops done with small amounts of super meter will do smaller amounts of damage.

When doing Time Stop, all damage done during frozen time is scaled down, though it does not really matter with Jotaro. 236+AA during time stop will lead to the highest damage while Jotaro’s bashing the opponent. Just try to hit the opponent as many times as you can.


Jotaro HFTF Wiki Combo Exhibition

All the Jotaro combos in the wiki

Most of Jotaro’s combos are done from Stand OFF.

Many of the Stand ON combos can be started from 5A, 2A, d.s.5A, or any Stand ON jumping attack. Keep in mind that you have to press S and the attack button at the same time if you’re trying to combo into some of these Stand ON combos from Stand OFF.

Keep in mind that some of these combos will drop midway or not work at all on short or crouching opponents. You will have to compensate and improvise for such situations.

Stand ON Chain Combos

s.5A>5A>5A – Jotaro’s autocombo. Two jabs into a straight punch (5C).
s.5A>5B>5C – Magic series combo.
s.5A>5A>5B>5C – Optimized combo.
s.5B>5B>5B – Jotaro’s other autocombo. Two hooks into an uppercut. last hit launches.
s.5B>5B>2B – Alternative version ending with a low hit. Can combo into s.236+A.
s.2A>2B>2A>2B>2C – Five low hits, ending with a knockdown.
s.2A>5B>5C – String starting with a low punch.

s.5A>5A>5B>5B – Two jabs, a hook, and an overhead hammer smash. The last hit does not combo.
s.5A>5A>5B>2C – Two jabs, a hook, and a hard knee that knocks down. The last hit does not combo.
s.2A>2B>2A>2B>2B – Four low hits into an overhead smash. The last hit does not combo. This combo would be something you’d do for a tandem on short or crouching opponents. The last hit (overhead strikes) will combo if it’s performed during a tandem.

Basic Combos

Stand OFF

JJBA- HFTF – Jotaro Basic Combos-0

A majority of the most basic and fundamental stand off combos will typically revolve around confirming into 236S which confirms into knockdown, allowing you to abuse your strong oki. So the general idea is [ANY STAND OFF NORMAL] xx 236S > s.214B > s.214A. Get comfortable with this first. Here are some good confirms to know.

j.C 5A, 6B xx 236S > s.214B > s.214A – Simple combo ending with a knockdown. Good setup for okizeme, unless your opponent has a fast wakeup. Get the link between 5A and 6B down consistently.

2A, 2A, 6B xx 236S > s.214B > s.214A – Same combo as above except it starts with a low hit. The link between 2A and 6B is a frame tighter. Get it down consistently. Note you can also link 5A and 2A together.

d.5C, 6B xx 236S > s.214B > s.214A – Same combo as above except it starts with a dashing heavy attack.

The three combos above can have 214AA substitute for 236S > s.214B > s.214A. It is not recommended that you substitute the sequence with Star Breaker because its damage will heavily be scaled. Note that in some situations you can replace s.214B with its A version.

2A xx 214AA – Simple normal that cancels into Star Breaker. Here are some other variations:

5A xx 214AA
5B xx 214AA
2B xx 214AA
6B xx 214AA
6C xx 214AA
5C xx 214AA

The purpose of these combos is to easily damage your opponent. However, there’s no point in doing them once you learn okizeme. If you’re still new to Jotaro, then these two-hit combos are for you.

Stand ON

s.5B xx s.214B > s.214A – A very useful confirm into knockdown from one of the best pokes in the game.

s.5A>5A>5B xx s.236AA – Partial magic series into the Jaguar Varied Assault.

s.5A>5A>5B xx s.214B > s.214A – Partial magic series into knockdown sequence. Good setup for okizeme.

s.5A>5A>5B xx s.236C (1 or 2 hits) xx s.214A > s.214A – Optimized combo. Blazing Fists can only hit once or twice. This is very important to learn as it will be important when you begin to use stand crash combos. Depending on spacing you may need to alter how many hits of s.236C you use, if at all.

All of these combos work after a jump-in and s.66a. Additonally, the two beginning s.5As can be substituted with s.2A. Alternatively, you can substitute the two s.5As and the s.5B with s.2B.

Intermediate Combos

Stand OFF

2A, 2A, S+5A>5A>5B xx s.214B > s.214A – Combo into knockdown involving transition from Stand OFF to Stand ON. Sets up okizeme. This transition is very helpful to know but is by no means essential.

2A, 2A, S+5A>5A>5B xx s.236C (1 hit on most characters) xx s.214A > s.214A – Optimized combo. Blazing fists must only hit once.

j.C, 5A, 6B xx 214B, hh.C, 5A, 6B xx 236S > s.214B > s.214A – Half of Jotaro’s bread and butter (BnB). For this combo, you can negative edge the 214B, but it is up to preference. You also must hyper hop after 214B to link j.C. It is crucial that you get the links from 6B to 214B and 214B to j.C down. These are essential for Jotaro’s BnB. Also, doing 6A instead of 5A will make linking 5A and 6B much easier.

2A, 2A, 6B xx 214B, hh.C, 5A, 6B xx 236S > s.214B > s.214A – Half of Jotaro’s BnB starting with two low hits.

d.5C, 6B xx 214B, hh.C, 5A, 6B xx 236S > s.214B > s.214A – Half of Jotaro’s BnB starting with a dashing heavy attack.

For the next combo you’ll need to learn the timing on a trick where while Jotaro’s performing special attacks, d.5C and d.2C will recover faster when they’re timed just as Star Platinum vanishes from the screen. This trick magically cuts the recovery of d.5C and d.2C (which appear as d.5B and d.2A while your Stand is out). This is primarily used after Star Finger with d.5C to allow some really powerful links that are normally impossible.

623[B/C], d.2A, ]B/C[, d.5C, 5A, 6B, 214B, hh.C, 5A, 6B xx 236S > s.214B > s.214A – Half of Jotaro’s BnB starting with a very risky mixup. You have to hold the C version of Star Finger, land d.2A, and release C. Then, while Star Platinum is visible on the screen, you have to do d.5C. If Star Platinum disappears before you land d.5C, you’re too late.

623[A/B/C], d.j.A/B/C, ]A/B/C[, d.5C, 5A, 6B xx 214B, hh.C, 5A, 6B xx 236S > s.214B > s.214A – Half of Jotaro’s BnB starting with another very risky mixup. You can tiger knee d.j.A/B/C if needed.

Stand ON

s.d.2A/s.d.2B xx s.214A > s.214A – Low hit into hard knockdown. If done quick enough, Star Platinum will cancel the first Blazing Fist into the follow-up. This combo doesn’t have much use and is really the only intermediate Stand ON combo.

Advanced Combos

Stand OFF

Jotaro Hitconfirms Into Tandem (REMASTER)

j.C 5A 6B xx 214B hyperhop j.C 5A 6B xx 214S d.j.C sideswitch 2A x N j.C 5A 6B xx 214B hyperhop j.C 5A 6B xx 236S > s.214B > s.214A – Jotaro’s BnB. It’s an intermediate combo except you tandem on the second 6B. The traditional tandem consists of five 5A 5B 5C reps. Get used to doing five of them because it’s a big part of the BnB. Alternatively, you can substitute the tandem with any inputs that suit you. Just make sure that you make all the tandem hits link. d.j.C to link the first 5C into 5A and to get to the other side of your opponent. Next, repeatedly do 2A, ensuring that you let each 5C link into 5A. At the fifth 5A, prepare to combo. Do j.C and the rest is a cakewalk. If you tandem your opponent in the corner, you don’t have to do d.j.C and you have the option of doing 5A/2A after every 5C or doing repeatedly doing 2A. Repeatedly doing 2A is harder and you have to perform d.5A every so often to make sure that Jotaro doesn’t stray too far from your opponent.

2A 2A 6B xx 214B hyperhop j.C 2A 6B xx 214S d.j.C sideswitch 2A x N j.C 5A 6B xx 214B hyperhop j.C 5A 6B xx 236S > s.214B > s.214A – Variation of BnB starting with two low hits.

d.5A 2A 6B xx 214B hyperhop j.C 5A 6B xx 214S d.j.C sideswitch 2A x N j.C 5A 6B xx 214B hyperhop j.C 5A 6B xx 236S > s.214B > s.214A – Variation of BnB starting with a dashing hit. To link d.5A into 2A, Jotaro cannot be too close to the opponent. Get a feel for what “too close” is by practicing.

d.2A xx 214A d.5A 5A 6B xx 214S d.j.C sideswitch 2A x N j.C 5A 6B xx 214B hyperhop j.C 5A 6B xx 236S > s.214B > s.214A – Variation of BnB from a dashing low. Utilizes d.5A mid-combo. Although difficult, helps a lot with hitconfirming.

j.C 6B xx 214B hyperhop j.C 5A 6B xx 214S 5A x N j.C 2B 236C d.j.C 5A 5A 6B xx 214B hyperhop j.C 5A 6B xx 236S > s.214B > s.214A – The basic ora extension in the corner.

d.5C 6B xx 214B hyperhop j.C 5A 6B xx 214S d.j.C sideswitch 2A x N j.C 2B 236C d.j.C 5A 5A 6B xx 214B hyperhop j.C 5A 6B xx 236S > s.214B > s.214A – Variation of BnB starting with a dashing heavy attack ora extension midscreen. Midscreen ora extension can be a little inconsistent. While d.5C is important to know how to convert, midscreen ora extension is not.

5A 5A 6B xx 214B d.5A 5A 6B 214S 5A 5A 6B xx 214B d.5A 5A 6B xx 236S > s.214B > s.214A – Variation of BnB that helps with short characters that 214B hh.C is a little inconsistent on. Also helpful in general as a safer hitconfirm.

For some reason, the ora extension can be somewhat inconsistent on Avdol. Some hits may whiff if you use 236B.

Stand ON

d.s.5A, s.5A > 5A > 5B, WC 5A > 5B xx s.214B > s.214A – Mostly for style points. It looks really cool but it’s hard to pull off and it’s generally not worth the effort.

j.s.A/B/C, cl.s.5C, d.s.5A, s.5A > 5A > 5B xx s.214B > s.214A – More style points 4 U. that link from s.5C to d.s.5A is mighty hard, not sure how many frames.

j.s.A/B/C, cl.s.5C xx s.623A, s.5A > 5A > 5B > 214S , j.C, S+5C xx s.623A, s.5A > 5A > 5B xx s.236AA – Again, mostly for style points. Look like a super badass with this combo.

Stand Crash Combos

Jotaro stand crash combos

Stand Crash combos involve your opponent with Stand ON and full Stand Meter. These are crucial to Jotaro because you will find yourself performing combos on Stand ON opponents quite frequently. Attacks that knock down will not knock down Stand ON opponents, so you might as well learn these combos.

Small Gauges

s.5A s.5A s.5B s.236C(2) s.214A !SC d.s.5C 214S .

s.5B s.214B s.214B !SC cl.s.5C s.214AA

d.5C 6B 236S s.214A !SC d.s.5C 214S .

s.5B s.236C(1) s.214A !SC d.s.5C 214S .

d.s.2A s.236C(2) s.214A s.214B !SC cl.s.5C s.214A s.214C

6B 214B hh.C 5A 6B 214S d.o.5C 2B !SC 623[X] d.o.5C ]X[ d.o.5C 6B 214S .

6B 214B hh.C 5A 6B 236S s.214A !SC d.s.5C 214S .

d.5C 6B 214B hh.C 5A 6B 236S s.214A !SC d.s.5C 214S .

j.C 2B 236C d.j.C 5A 5A 6B 236S !SC d.s.5C 214S .

214S d.o.5C 2B !SC 623[X] d.o.5C ]X[ d.o.5C 6B 214S .

s.5A s.5A s.5B s.236C(2) s.214A s.214B !SC cl.s.5C s.214A s.214C

d.s.5A s.5A s.5A s.5B s.236C(2) s.214A !SC d.s.5C 214S .

s.5B s.214B s.214B !SC cl.s.5C s.214AA

s.5B s.236C(1) s.214A !SC d.s.5C 214S .

d.s.2A s.236C(2) s.214A s.214B !SC [cl.s.5C s.214A s.214C]

j.C 5A 6B 236S s.214A s.214B !SC [cl.s.5C s.214A s.214C]

d.5C 6B 214B hh.C 5A 6B 236S s.214A !SC d.s.5C 214S .

j.C 5A 6B 214B hh.C 5A 6B 236S s.214A !SC d.s.5C 214S .

j.C 2B 236C d.j.C 5A 5A 6B 236S s.214A !SC d.s.5C 214S .

j.C 5A 6B 214B hh.C 5A 6B 214S d.o.5C 2B !SC 623[X] d.o.5C ]X[ d.o.5C 6B 214S .

214S d.o.5C 2B !SC 623[X] d.o.5C ]X[ d.o.5C 6B 214S .

s.5A s.5A s.5B s.236C(2) s.214A s.214B !SC cl.s.5C s.214A s.214C

d.s.5A s.5A s.5A s.5B s.236C(2) s.214A s.214B !SC [cl.s.5C s.214A s.214C]

j.s.B s.5A s.5A s.5B s.236C(2) s.214A !SC d.s.5C 214S .

j.s.B d.s.5A s.5A s.5A s.5B s.236C(2) s.214A !SC d.s.5C 214S .

s.5B s.236C(1) s.214A s.214B !SC [cl.s.5C s.214A s.214C]

s.5B s.236C(2) s.214A !SC d.s.5C 214S .

d.s.2A s.236C(2) s.214A s.214B !SC [cl.s.5C s.214A s.214C]

d.5C 6B 236S s.214A s.214B !SC [cl.s.5C s.214A s.214C]

j.C 5A 6B 214B hh.C 5A 6B 236S s.214A s.214B !SC [cl.s.5C s.214A s.214C]

d.5C 6B 214B hh.C 5A 6B 236S s.214A !SC d.s.5C 214S .

d.5C 6B 214B hh.C 5A 6B 214S d.o.5C 2B !SC 623[X] d.o.5C ]X[ d.o.5C 6B 214S .

j.C 2B 236C d.j.C 5A 5A 6B 236S s.214A !SC d.s.5C 214S .

j.C 5A 6B 214B hh.C 5A 6B 214S d.o.5C 2B !SC 623[X] d.o.5C ]X[ d.o.5C 6B 214S .

5A s5C s.623X s.5A s.5A s.5B s.214B !SC d.s.5C 214S .

214S d.o.5C 2B !SC 623[X] d.o.5C ]X[ d.o.5C 6B 214S .

承太郎 Basic Combos

承太郎 Basic Combo Movie

These combos are flashy, for-fun combos posted in a video by WJ. They feature some atypical links, split dash combos, and more. These are not vital to learn by any means, but if you still wish to learn more combos after you’ve learned the practical ones, these are the ones for you.

d.5C ~ 236S xx s.214B > s.214C

j.C, S+5C, d.s.5A, s.5A > 5B, WC s.5A > 5B xx s.214B > s.214C

d.5C, d.5A, 2A, Instand Dash S+5A, s.5A > 5A xx s.214A > s.214C

j.s.A, s.2C ~ s.214A xx s.214C xx 623[C]

623[A/B], j.C, ]A/B[, d.5C (while Stand is on screen), S+5C xx s.214AA Early Cancel* s.5A > 5B xx s.214B !SC, j.s.A xx j.s.236AA

j.C, S+5C xx 214B[C] Early Cancel s.5A > 5B xx s.214B > s.214B !SC, cl.s.5C xx s.214AA

5C(1) xx 214AA Cancel** 6B xx 214AA

j.C, 2B xx 236S > s.214B > s.214B !SC, s.2C ~ s.214A xx s.214B

j.s.A, cl.s.5C, s.2A > 5B > 5C

d.2B xx 214AA Cancel 6B xx 214B, hh.C, 5A, 6B xx 214AA

j.C, S+5C xx s.214AA Early Cancel xx s.2C xx s.236C(4)

d.5C xx 214B[C], 5A, 5A, 6B Cancel 236S > s.214B > s.214C

j.C, 5C(1) xx 214AA Cancel 5A, 6B xx 214S , d.2B xx s.214AA Cancel 5A, S+5C !SC s.214AA Early Cancel, d.s.5C xx s.214AA Cancel 2B xx 214AA

*Early Cancel is a glitch that results in Jotaro remaining stand on after cancelling Star Breaker. He will typically have the glowing fist of Star Platinum remain despite cancelling the move.

*Cancel is just cancelling Star Breaker normally.


Jotaro Okizeme Guide

Jotaro’s okizeme game is one of his strongest aspects, as almost every hit (even against stand on opponents thanks to the ease of stand crash combos) will lead into knockdown. Once you get a knockdown, typically from A rekka ender, you have several options for okizeme. This video details very practical okizeme options that can be used on a majority of the cast. Correctly executing and converting from okizeme is very important and is a part of a strong Jotaro players.

Star Finger Okizeme: This is your go-to option on a majority of the cast. After a knockdown, turn off your stand and do 623[X]. You now have two options: go low with 6B, or IOH (Instant Overhead) with j.C. After this, release star finger and convert with d.o.5C 6B etc. (d.o.2C 5A 6B is needed on hitboxes smaller than Black Polnareff). More notes in the video. (Does not work on Petshop, Iggy, Devo, Alessi- you are able to hit a meaty 6B on Vanilla Ice, Rubber Soul, and Avdol, but j.C will not hit meaty. Avoid star finger oki on these 7 characters.)

Ora Okizeme: An alternate, meterless, option on those who are too short or too quick to get up for Star Finger okizeme. Similarly to Star Finger Okizeme, after A rekka ender, turn off your stand and do 236C as the opponent is beginning the wakeup animation- this will typically be instant on the characters where Star Finger does not work. Once again, you have a high/low option, IOH j.C or 2A. It is important to note that Ora Okizeme is ONLY CONFIRMABLE IN CORNER. Confirm with 66A 2A 2A 6B 214S. Note that the low option is incredibly prone to IPS (Infinite Prevention System).

Star Breaker Okizeme: With Star Breaker you are able to 50/50 the previously stated problem characters, while not dealing with pesky IPS. The downside is that you will not get the same two-touch capabilies that Star Finger has, as you will not be able to confirm after star breaker is released. It is preformed similarly to Star Finger. Turn your stand off, do 214AA and hold a button. Then 50/50 with either j.C or 6B/2A, followed by a released Star Breaker.

General Strategy


Jotaro is a very fluid character that has strengths in many areas, but his standout character trait is his strong punish game. Jotaro has access to a very fast stand on jab in s.5A that leads to knockdown and even stand crash on small or damaged guages. On top of this, he posesses s.214AA, one of the best supers in the game. It is loaded with I-frames, and can be held to be later cancelled or released, removing a large amount of risk for using the move and creating a mix up oppurtunity. This will be expanded upon later. These two tools combined with his other tools such as 6B and s.5B (marvelous counterpokes) allows Jotaro to threathen knockdown into death at almost any moment.

A general gameplan would be to space the opponent out with your exceptionally strong buttons, then punish an overextension on block or in neutral and convert into knockdown. This leads to Star Finger, the biggest thing about Jotaro’s overall gameplan. Star Finger is one of the scariest things in the game because the opponent is forced to guess. If he/she guesses wrong, then that’s over 50% of their health taken away with a potential tandem confirm. You can use Jump C, 6B, or 2A for the Star Finger mixups, and it has to be done before releasing the attack button used for Star Finger.

A common question is “When should I use stand ON/OFF?” To put it in an analogy (thanks CaineTemple) think of stand OFF and ON as your sword and shield respectively. Stand OFF allows for quick movement, high damage, and strong pressure. Whereas stand ON grants you access to the inherently strong properties of stand on, double jumps, no chip, can’t be knocked down, while granting access to s.5A, s.5B, and s.214AA. Transitioning between the two modes at the right moments to utilize each in the right situations is the key to strong neutral and overall gameplay. You will get used to this with time, but stand ON neutral is typically easier to grasp at a beginner level.

Neutral / Footsies

Jotaro has a lot of strong buttons and it’s important to be aware of the current situation and apply these normals accordingly. Some of Jotaro’s strongest buttons will be listed below and divided into 3 catagories: Poke, Counter poke/Whiff punish, and moves to catch those waiting for a whiff punish. Note order does not signify anything, and these are not your only good buttons, merely the best. The amount of bad tools Jotaro has is quite limited compared to other characters, so do not underestimate buttons not on this list, as most likely have a place in Jotaro’s game.

  1. d.5A – A confirmable, fast normal that can stuff enemy ground approaches incredibly well. It is not to be used as frequently as the other normals on this list, but it is very crucial to apply when the time arises. Proper use of this normal seperates good Jotaros from great ones.
  2. d.s.5A – Although it can be ducked, it is an insanely fast, disjointed, moving jab that converts into knockdown and standcrash on medium and small gauges. It also has a large role to play in your anti-air game, as it is excellent at beating out lateral jump-ins such as Chaka’s hyper hop. It is also used in tech chasing alongside s.j.C and s.2C.
  3. s.5B – An insanely strong button, s.5B does massive stand gauge damage while being one of the most disjoint normals in the entire game. It is quite hard to contest for most characters, making it a superb poke as well as a counter poke.
  4. s.5A – Similar to d.s.5A but in place. What makes this worth mentioning is the fact that this move can be done near instantly from stand on using s+5A. Proper use of this will make movement far more fluid as you can cancel dashes into one of the stronger anti-airs in this game, or convert into knockdown on a grounded hit.
  5. d.5C – A fast, long range poke that can be cancelled on whiff, a very important normal to assert your control over neutral in some matchups. While important to not overuse, it’s just another strong tool in Jotaro’s arsenal.

Strong Counter pokes / Whiff Punish tools:

  1. s.214AA – An insanely strong super and a core part of Jotaro’s identity. Proper use of this super can make playing against Jotaro incredibly scary. It has so many applications, but to keep it brief and only mention a few, we should observe a hypothetical situation. Jotaro presses s.214AA and during super flash we see that the opponent is not pressing anything. In normal situations this would mean a waster super and a potential punish. With Star Breaker we can hold it down to threaten several options. If they roll, cancel and throw. If they wait, delay the release or cancel into a low or grab. There are so many options open to you – and I haven’t even mentioned the I-frames you get on START-UP AND CANCEL.
  2. s.5B – Everything mentioned above still holds through as you will rarely find yourself losing to other buttons upon proper use of s.5B, making it an excellent counter poke to confirm into knockdown with. An important part of your kit in many stages of the game, try to apply it as well as you can.
  3. 6B – A quick low kick that leads into insane damage due to being a stand off normal. This is your best counter-poke and whiff punish tool up-close in stand off. It is fairly active and is quite potent after pushblock against several pressure strings.
  4. d.s.5A – Same as the previous section except now the speed is used to catch the opponent after they whiff a normal from a decently far distance. Confirming into good damage and knockdown from such a strong normal is very useful.
  5. s.5A – Also same as the last section, as the the on demand nature of s+5A allows Jotaro to halt his dash and throw out one of the strongest moves in the game to usually beat out any attempts to stuff your dash cleanly. When used as an anti-air, it can be comboed into s.2C.
  6. s.2C AA – When s.5A won’t suite the angle of jump-in, s.2C fills in. Very active and deals with jump-ins quite well. Can also be used similarly to s.5A when inputted s+2C, but now for vertical anti-airing. Also leads into Jotaro’s suprisingly decent tech chasing game.
  7. 3C AA – Similar to s.2C in the angles it covers, but now in stand off!

Moves to catch waiting opponents:

  1. d.2A – A dashing stand off low that can be confirmed into respectable damage. Can catch many opponents off guard, an important tool to utilize.
  2. d.s.2A – Your go-to stand on low. Confirms into knockdown well.
  3. 66 S 6A+C – Although the notation may appear intimidating, all this is is dashing up to your opponent, cancelling your dash with stand ON/OFF, the grabbing right after. Quite useful especially against characters like Kakyoin as it will disable nets safely. Sets-up up a, once again, strangely decent throw game. Do note that grab is punishable in the corner, although some characters may not possess an adaquate punish.

Now how do you use this information? Your counter-pokes are the meat and potatoes of Jotaro. Use them effectively to confirm into massive damage and knockdown, capitalizing on the opponents mistakes. Watch for oppurtunities to sneak in pokes in order to secure knockdown or stand crash. Every action should be taken with the goal of a knockdown or death in mind. Utilizing proper movement and transitions into stand on normals such as s+5A is the key to strong neutral. Pokes such as d.5A start pressure, which (depending on matchup) can be incredibly scary for the opponent. Pressure creates oppurtunities for your opponent to make a mistake resulting in knockdown. Achieve this through use of frame traps, staggers, tick grabs, and IOHs. Make sure to not overextend your stay, or you could be on the recieving end of explosive damage.

“Okay” Jotaro players tend to use Jump C, 5A, 6B xx 214+B, Jump C as an attempt to do his BnB combo. This is a common bad habit for Jotaro players. Kain once told me about that, and it took me a bit of time to figure out why, and the answer is because it leaves Jotaro open when the opponent is blocking/pushblocking. If Star Platinum gets sent out, Jotaro cannot block for approximately 2 seconds and that’s all the time someone needs to punish him. So, avoid doing that combo as a startup. Proper pressure will be discussed in a later section.

Pressure and Tech-chase

Although it may not be obvious, Jotaro has quite strong tech chase and some fairly safe pressure. While there are definitely things to keep in mind, these techniques are very fluid and shift largely based on personal playstyle, so keep on open mind to whatever feels right in the moment.

Basic Jotaro pressure stems from proper use of staggers, tick throws, and hitconfirmable strings. 66A is an amazing normal that encompasses all these traits which is why it finds heavy use in pressure. The basic string that jot pressure is based from is 66a 2a 2a 6b 214b 66a etc. This is not a string you should be doing often in real games. The purpose of this string is to serve as the base to add on to. At its core every hit can be confirmed from, and it’s a gapless string if you don’t delay 66a after 214b. The first layer to developing Jotaro pressure is preventing pushblock and GC from cutting it short. If the opponent is not pushblocking correctly, ie mashing abc, simply stopping or delaying your string makes it very simple to flow chart into grab. Against GC, you can do the same and whiff punish or simply tick grab before the opponent can GC. Additionally, you can simply use the opportunity of pushblock and GC to reset to neutral. Simply backdash/tech back, as over extending on pressure is very dangerous depending on the matchup. By having a strong first layer you can start to put some of the options that require the opponents respect of your strings. After you have gained respect you can begin to go for far riskier options on block such as 236x jc or even 623x. Just be careful to not overstay your welcome, or you can eat a large chunk of damage. Japanese play shows off a lot of unique options, so look around and incorporate what you like.

Tech Chasing is a little bit easier to understand. The main tools you are going to be using are s.5A, s.2C, d.s.5A, s.j.C, and occasionally s.214AA. What makes Jotaro tech chase quite potent (aside from his already strong tools) is the fact that he can relaunch the opponent rather easily with s.5A > 2C, allowing for more tech chase. This coupled with the wide array of tech options s.j.C covers after this makes his tech chase quite rewarding. This is definitely a skill that develops as you play more, but a basic way to practice is to set the opponent to auto tech a direction and trying to find ways to contest it.


Jotaro rewards a player who knows their punishes, as well as proper pushblocking. He has an average guard cancel, and it does not benefit his gameplan very much. Instead, understanding common patterns and punishable strings from the opponent is a very important aspect in securing damage. Counter measure videos are being gathered, but if you are struggling with a certain offensive string, either try several options against it in training mode, or ask knowledgable players. Punishes are an important part of every Jotaro’s tool kit.

Matchup Strategy


Avdol is primarily looking to play around your approaches and punish mistakes on your part. A large majority of Avdols normals outclass yours by quite a bit, but you still have very strong close up options regardless. Meter is an important thing to keep in mind in the matchup as Jotaro actively having meter will dissuade Avdol from throwing out normals to space or meter build. Jotaro finds difficulty in punishing Avdol for throwing out projectiles meaning the game becomes significantly harder if Avdol secures a sizable life lead. s.5b is your life line in this matchup as it’s disjoint can rival Avdol’s normals. On knockdown you cannot go for star finger oki safely, so you will either have to meaty 6b or use Ora/Starbreaker oki. This means while your hits still convert into big damage, you won’t be able to vortex and two touch as much as you would other characters. Alternatively, you could opt for a starfinger 50/50 reset or jc 2c xx 623x after tandem. With these things in mind, it’s easy to see how it comes down to securing momentum. Being at the brink of s66a or 66a range and just slowing down your movement can illicit response from the Avdol, meaning you can blow them up for taking an action, primarily with Star Breaker.


Alessi is incredibly prone to jump-ins so j.c is your go to button in this match-up. Match-up becomes a lot easier when you have the life lead and can force alessi to approach, but that can be quite difficult if Alessi is smart about his pokes and spacing. However, since Alessi-Jot is comprised of majority small stages, as well as Alessi not being able to manipulate his jump arc makes him prone to Jotaro’s strong anti-air and air to air buttons. This makes tech chasing a phenomenal way to quickly rack up damage and secure the life lead. Become comfortable with tools such as s.j.c and s.66a to catch airborne approaches. When it comes to contesting Alessi’s stand on pokes, 6b works wonders in stuffing out his pokes as the hurtbox is present before the hitbox. This is obviously a big risk as it relies on the Alessi to press a button, but even on patient players one hit can lead to a full convert. However, you mainly want to be approaching with stand on jump-ins. This will allow you to mix up double jump timings and will have s214aa to establish a threat if they choose to pushblock your jump-in. Regarding that s214aa is VERY strong in this match-up as Alessi has large lingering hurtboxes on most of his stand on moves and even some stand off. One hit can lead to a strong life lead, forcing Alessi to approach, which is the Alessi finds extremely difficult to do. In most cases this is your win condition forcing Alessi to approach against s214aa, s5b, and your other godbuttons.

Now how do you approach an Alessi who has secured the life lead and is now turtling? Mixing up double jump timing and staggering pressure with stand on are important tools in opening Alessi up, particularly the pressure. It will most likely force Alessi to go stand off as the stand gauge chip Jotaro outputs is quite hefty. This means he will be trapped without his best pokes, and with more jump timings and such he can be opened up. Due to Alessi’s wide stature, j.c becomes quite a consistent cross up in this matchup, and can often times catch opponents who try to cross under your landing. Obviously you shouldn’t gamble that the Alessi will just get mixed up on offense, so the most consistent method of securing damage is clean punishes, where damage is guaranteed when the situation arises. Take s.on landing Alessi- even without taking an air action, s.on landing had 1 frame of vulnerability, making it extremely prone to active moves, allowing anywhere from like damage to full confirms. Gun on block can be quite oppressive with its chip, so taking advantage of this disadvantageous position is key. Pushblocking gun completely nullifies the blockstun as opposed to giving you 15 frames. Meaning you can attempt to push an advantage. While not an punish, understanding how to deal with Alessi CC on block is crucial for not getting blown up by a knowledge check. (Note other counter tech will be in the video these were just particularly important or served to point out a flaw in Alessi’s gameplan) While in custom combo state Alessi can be pictured having two zones of influence. Close and Far. Typically when CC is blocked, they will try to space themselves in the Far region to gain access to 6b over head which confirms. This may seem near unreactable, which it is, but Alessi has NO comboable lows at this distance, so simply blocking high when spaced will prevent this. In order to see this distance better, avoid pushblocking. On a final note, holding up back will greatly increase the difficulty the Alessi faces when trying to do Alessi mode combos.

Black Polnareff

Can be quite a volatile matchup but it is infinitely harder for B. Pol to open you up and win neutral compared to Jotaro’s vast arsenal of tools. The main key concepts to keep in mind is to punish overextensions on block. B. Pols pressure is incredibly fake and easy to punish (refer to playlist), so better B. Pols stick to spacing themselves for a proper whiff punish into loop. B. Pol mainly capitalizes on the opponents mistakes to open people up so playing back once you have the life lead is incredibly strong. Additionally, you can stand off pressure him to some degree as his supers are either stubby or slow in terms of punishing 66a strings on block. However, you will do significantly less chip so balance stand on and off pressure accordingly. Secure life lead and play back and punish reckless approaches is all it boils down to. B. Pol has his best shot of winning if he can force Jotaro to approach so try to avoid that. Normals such as s.5a are vital in hard punishing B. Pols mistakes up close, while s2c and 3c can beat out telegraphed air approaches with j.b.

To deter a B. Pol from looping on block, you should first identity how far the commit to the rekka on block then act accordingly. While some punishes will always punish, you can get a greater reward or a meterless punish in some scenarios. B. Pols will either do 1 part of the rekka, 2 parts, or 2 parts and 236s. For both first and 2nd parts you want to pushblock 236x early. If you read that they will stop after the first, you can simply use 6b to punish. If they commit to the second, simply s.5a or tandem. If they opt for all three you have a choice. You can still do the same punish as the 2nd part on block, or you can simply pushblock 236s then s214aa or even 214aa. This is objectively the most overextended B. Pol can be on offense so punish accordingly.


This match-up is heavily dependent on respecting Chaka’s airspace. You want to stay grounded so you have the opportunity to jab out Chaka’s jump-ins with hyper hop. Chaka has excellent air mobility and jumping buttons so you should avoid contesting with air to airs. Chaka will be looking frequently cancel into 236s to catch bad whiff punish attempts and reckless approaches. Staying just out of reach and/or using star breaker discourages this behavior. Chaka has a couple options on wakeup, whether high/low or left/right. Block low until you see Chaka leave the ground. Fuzzy blocking is your friend. Luckily, Chaka has a small stand gauge meaning s.5a is at near full strength in this match up. Extended pressure strings such as rekka or a bad tech chase attempt can lead to large damage. Stay at a comfortable s.66a/66a distance, just outside of Chaka’s 236s range and play in the defensive aiming to heavily punish Chaka’s mistakes. Note, however, that overstaying in stand on is very risky as this can lead into large damage thanks to unblockable resets and even basic stand crash combos. The reset is incredibly punishing so getting caught and not punishing hyper hop s+j.c properly will put you in a danger life deficit and oki situation. All in all, play back in the s66a pocket in this match up and be content with letting Chaka push aggression a majority of the times. Simply punish with your tools and hold down momentum.

As mentioned earlier, Chaka can be hard punished if he over extends on hit and block. An important example is rekka on block. After the second hit, you are free to mash as long as they do not counter, as both options after are far too slow to frame trap, netting you an IPS free stand crash or anti air s5a into tech chase, both of which shift the momentum in your favor. Alternatively, just doing s214aa alleviates this. Also note that first rekka is incredibly minus and can’t be cancelled into counter, so watch if Chaka ends early on it or delays too much. However, you can get a punish even on hit- if a Chaka does C rekka ender as the 8th hit, launcher scaling will mean that you will be able to tech, while also being low enough to get a hard punish. Simply downteching into s+5a will net you a full punish. Chaka players may look for s+j.c after CC in an attempt to reset a combo and therefore scaling. Blocking it will result in Chaka backing off or overextending on pressure, both securing momentum.

Something to keep in mind is that given current lifelead, it may be a favorable decision to simply forego attempting to jab out Chaka’s approach- while this can let you tech chase into a favorable position, relying on safer options such as pushblock into s+5B helps to lower the risk while still providing an opportunity to get a hit in. Additionally, depending on the Chaka and the state of the match, meter holds varying levels of importance. With Chakas that mirror the Japanese playstyle of shorter, poke-oriented pressure, spending meter is not as common as with aggressive Chakas. Aggressive Chakas thrive if you respect their fake and overextended pressure, so blowing meter to contest that is quite important. You notice this split in playstyle between Japan and the Western scene in full detail. Just something to consider regarding meter usage based on the opponents playstyle.


Very dependent on matchup knowledge as fighting Devo requires several tweaks in traditional gameplan to accommodate for his low profile, puppet pressure, and reversals. Devo will usually be looking to open you up with puppet, so be wary as to not overcommit. He will like to avoid overstaying on pressure and will like to maintain his space, allowing Jotaro a lot of breathing room if he uses it right. Devo can usually secure a large life lead on one hit but Jotaro has a lot of room to punish attempts to open him up. You will be finding yourself stand off a good bit less than most matchups given safer moves in stand off such as 2a. Being chipped out is better than holding a lot of damage. Once you do have the life lead though, you can essentially lame out Devo by intentionally avoiding sandwich as much as possible, making it difficult for Devo to open you up and get substantial damage at the same time. Be extremely cautious of attacking the Devo when he is in remote/stand on as 214s is still a threat even if Devo is in hitstun, just like every remote mode user. You will either need to use a special that disables remote or go for a super (only do a super if puppet is in the middle of a high committal move s22c for example. Pushblock it and super.) Normals such as 66a, 5a, 2a, s2a, and s5b find a lot of use in this matchup. But arguably your best approach tool in the matchup is hh.jc as it beats a lot of Devo’s normals and you remain low enough to punish 5c on hit. Preemptive buttons are especially strong against Devo as he can struggle to safely go for puppet specials or normals. Tandem can find some niche use as an anti air option if s2c is too risky at the moment.


A matchup that gets discussed frequently, it is heavily in your favor if played correctly. On paper and in practice your tools are stronger and more versatile than DIO’s in almost every situation. s.5a and s.66a are INCREDIBLY strong in this matchup as they cannot be ducked unless DIO presses 2a due to his tall hurtbox. Additionally, he has difficulty contesting your tick throw mix as any attempt to tech a throw could result in a throw, leading to a sizable punish. s.5b is another normal that almost entirely beats him out. To contest your strong normals in footsies range, DIO will want to be stand on, which is another boon in that if you get a hit you can convert into a full combo, and given how superior your buttons are it happens quite frequently. Don’t be reckless with your air approaches but don’t stay entirely grounded either. On pressure a good DIO will mix in frame traps to catch those trying to gc 214x and hits after. Getting comfortable with how the DIO cycles their options on block is the key to blowing him up on offense. Don’t randomly pushblock, you will miss out on a large amount of punishes because of it. Play smart and once you have a life lead, it is not too difficult to lame him out. In fact, laming him out and playing hyper defensively shifts the matchup even further into your favor, as DIO struggles to approach and contest your stand on buttons and presence.

A short aside on roll. Given the fact DIO cannot throw risk free, roll is an incredibly strong option. Jotaro’s roll in particular is quite interesting, as if you end up on the same side after your roll, by not inputting anything, you can receive up to 20 I FRAMES that you CAN ACT OUT OF. This makes it incredibly easy to whiff punish attempts to meaty.

Hol Horse

Approaching slowly into the tip of s66a range in Stand On allows you to punish Air Glass as well as whiffed normals, while also limiting the amount of normals Hol can use at that range. Most importantly, being in stand on denies Hol from ending a round off a single 5c/2c, as you cannot be knocked down in stand on. It can be quite unintuitive to approach a Hol who keeps his distance and uses 236b and his normals to stuff your approach. As long as you remain patient and get a hit to secure lifelead, the game is heavily skewed towards you. Lifelead can be attained by hard punishing or stray hits. With hard punishes, even just a small confirm gives you decent damage and, if it’s grounded, oki. What’s important about this is that it is guaranteed damage. Note that is important in several matchups, but you want to recognize and capitalize on these situations whenever possible. You want to punish stuff such as 2c on block, air glass, throw, 236x within star breaker range etc. Get comfortable with moving around in the matchup and positioning yourself so that you can easily catch and capitalize on the opponents mistakes.

Just as with DIO, due to the fact that grabbing is not practical as Hol, Jot can throughly abuse his roll in this matchup. While Hol has a hard time contesting you rolling out of his pressure, be aware that many hols are aware of this and will meaty your roll upon sideswitch, possibly leading into a frame trap or big damage.

Hol & Boingo

Hoingo’s weak normals coupled with lacking a large amount of tools Hol has makes the matchup much easier. However, it may be quite unintuitive as new options such as S bullet patterns and normals xx 360a paired with old tools such as 236x and air glass means adapting to an entirely different option cycle. Although this may be a little bit overwhelming, understanding what makes these options weak when compared to Hol is important in beating Hoingo. For example, normals cancelled into S bullet on block can be hard punished with star breaker, tandem, and (depending on normal cancelled) s5a. Try to slowly position yourself in max s66a distance, as this pocket will allow you to hard punish over extensions such as air glass while preventing normals into 360 and other scramble options. Don’t feel pressured to approach as with stand on Hoingo loses his chip pressure and can struggle to deactivate stand without the use of 360. At s66a pocket distance you can find yourself rolling to close the gap if you suspect the Hoingo may go for a normal or special as you can easily punish and convert to knockdown if they attempt to grab. Another note is that S bullet oki and 623x oki (without 4c) is too slow to meaty Jotaro, be aware and reversal tandem etc. when applicable.


Buttons like s.5b and s.2a are even more important in this matchup as s.5a and such normals get ducked fairly easily. Additionally, stand off in general is very useful in this matchup, along with buttons like 6b 66a and 2a. The matchup is dependent on securing a life lead and turtling as both Iggy and Jotaro have a varying amounts of trouble approaching each other in the matchup. Life lead is typically won through patient stand off play and whiff punishes. Full confirms, while still good, will grant extremely limited oki given iggy’s stature and wakeup speed. You can pressure Iggy when stand on fairly well, but your options when iggy is stand off is limited. Don’t over extend and know when to back off and play back. Buttons like s.5a still find use in contesting Iggy’s air approaches, ESPECIALLY IOH. Overusing stand on normals against grounded Iggy will result in Iggy positioning himself to stand off then run up grab, allowing him to start his dangerous okizeme game. To prevent this poke with stand off normals and occasionally cancel into 236s. This is a far departure from typical Jotaro matchups so understanding how to handle certain interactions is crucial, particularly Iggy’s oki and stalling options.

Iggy has access to almost all of his oki options- a standard high low into tandem/236aa, IAD, etc. The most visually confusing one, however, is the unblockable command grab oki. You will be able to see iggy set this up as the move summons two sand dogs. Iggy will usually attempt to meaty you to force you to block the command grab. The solution to this is simply taking the hit and jumping out as you have command grab invulnerability that carries over from a meaty hit. Simply hold 9 and you will escape. However, although not common, Iggy has a hitconfirm that allows him to convert if you take the hit. In this case you must guard cancel buffer high. To combat stalling, particularly defensive sand balls, slowly approach in stand on and fish for a s5a or try and weave a properly spaced 66c in order to trade with Iggy. Knocking him out of flight/hover will give you time to get the life lead or momentum back in your favor. Also, new information shows that IGGY CAN’T MEATY YOU AFTER A THROW! YOU ARE FREE TO MASH 214S!


This matchup is rather straightforward and is quite an easy one. Oldseph has to work incredibly hard to deal with your approach options with any consistency. Focus on getting a hit and vortexing as hard as possible, then just backing off if your oki is blocked or you are forced to reset to neutral. Joseph’s approaches are quite limited and he requires you to make a mistake in order to capitalize. Tools such as hh.jc, s66a, s5a, and s5b are quite important in this matchup given Joseph’s size and poor anti airs.

Oldseph 236x is a frequently used special in order to follow up a poke with 66b or 662a etc. However, this special is punishable on block resulting in huge returns. Simply pushblock 236x as early as possible and s5a. This will net you a punish into knockdown, where you can 50/50 him with ease. Avoid pushblocking s236x as it makes it harder to punish than just blocking s236x.


The Jotaro mirror is incredibly volatile due to small stand gauge and both Jots wanting to be close, meaning most hits result in either oki or death. The name of the game is hard punish as the match-up revolves around proper use of s5a, s5b, and starbreaker. You don’t want to over extend on pressure, as one mistake is usually the round. Along with proper use of close up pokes, anti-airing properly is also a deciding factor in the mirror. Small stand guage means that you can get near 80 damage on a typical route and about 100 on a more optimized routes solely off an s5a. Options like roll s+5a and dash up s+5a, while gimmicky, become even stronger in this matchup. Outside of that it’s a very straightforward matchup as you are ideally going for the same gameplan.


A majority of this match up will be slowly approaching using frequent dash cancels, looking for opportunities to blow Kak up with an s5a or s214aa. Play slow and cautious, and although you will be at a disadvantage, do not panic if you lose lifelead. Keeping your approach safe and steady will allow you to clearly see opportunities to whiff punish or dash up throw accordingly. Dash up throw is quite useful in this matchup if the Kak begins to respect the threat of stand on breaker, as it will allow you to safely destroy/avoid nets as well as starting your suprsingly strong throw game. If Kak begins air dashing to attempt to hold on to lifelead as long as possible, stay at about Star Breaker distance and call the air dash out with s77 s.j.c. You have a much better time when the Kak is forced to approach, but it’s still threatening. In the off chance you can land it, you can get about 60-70 damage simply off s214aa !sc s.j.a s.j.236aa on an IADing Kak. A majority of the time, however, you will not be able to react to it consistently at least with s214aa, so using s5a, pushblock, and simply jumping are answers to this type of approach. Outside of a limited amount of situations, jumping in this matchup is quite risky, so staying grounded a majority of the time approaching with dash blocks is ideal. There are a lot of tiny interactions such as oki-ing Kak, the RPS following a blocked net, and large guage routes, but the main concepts of the matchup are still very important to understand first. Do note that Kaks stand off jumping hurtbox makes s.5a less consistent, so using s2c and 3c are preferable.


Although this is a very easy matchup, it is fairly common for it to be somewhat unforgiving to newer players due to unfamiliarity. A common situation you may run into in this matchup is charge on block. This is minus but the mind game is delayed dp. It’s not that real on block and you have several ways of punishing it. Just know that khans hurtbox after charge and dp allows him to be hit with a s.5a, the only time you should be using this move on a grounded Khan usually. When Khan goes airborne is where s5a is a godsend. It is an incredibly strong anti hop option, and paired with s.2c it can completely invalidate a majority of Khan’s air approaches.


At first a somewhat unintuitive matchup, you want to focus on calling out fake and weak tools that Mariah wishes to use on block. Options such as canceling into outlet or trying to set up wire are easily star-breakerable. Do NOT get impatient when approaching, remain calm and occasionally destroy Mariah’s tools with s.5a and other stand on normals. Mariah’s main way to get damage on you relies on you making mistakes, so play smart and lame and you will be opened up less and find yourself in a favorable position more times than not. Do not go complacent with the timing you use to destroy outlets, wire, etc. If you get predictable you can often eat 5Cs, which don’t lead to much but will allow Mariah to hold down a life lead even easier. Saving meter to dump into quick and deadly whiff punishes in the form of s214aa and raw tandem at lower levels makes the matchup a lot easier.


Although this is a heavily Jotaro favored match-up, it can be quite hard and unintuitive to play around a character that is proficient at jumping while punishing you for jumping in neutral. The main idea in this matchup is that Midler doesn’t want to get hit grounded at any cost, because she will die under pressure/from okizeme. This is why Midler players tend to jump quite frequently, to abuse to I-frames they have upon stand-on landing. To counter this, apply pressure with s.j.c. However, only jump after you see that Midler is airborne, as jumping prematurely may result in you getting hit by Cars/214aa. Keeping these things in mind makes this match-up a lot more straight forward but there are a couple defensive quirks and notes to take into play regarding stuff like Midler’s offensive throw os, crossup, divekick, and GCing Cars. When being pressured by Midler, understand what moves aren’t cancellable, and which ones are punishable. A notable example is 236c, which can be pushblocked and immediately punished.

New Kakyoin

Another incredibly volatile match-up, as both characters can punish with combos that are usually about 60~75% added to the fact that New Kak has the second lowest defense making every hit hurt. Just like in the Kakyoin matchup, Jotaro wants to approach slowly and cautiously in stand on. Although nets aren’t as punishing as regular Kakyoin, you will likely get yourself knocked down, resulting in a possible vortex of New Kakyoin okizeme and pressure. You are able to stuff out s665b with s5a and s5b, although this will typically be cycled along with s.x s.5c unblockable and s.2b to call out buttons. N. Kakyoin has fantastic pressure when left uncontested, with a plethora of net cancellable pokes, IOHs, and an amazing grab that setups up oki. The key is taking the matchup slow and capitalizing on over extensions, such as s2c on block or against stand on. You will get dominated on the ground, as s6b s5c s214[x] is an incredibly potent space control tool. Mixing up jump timings during pressure is quite crucial to safely opening him up. Do note that nets are somewhat easier to deal with as opposed to Kakyoin. Jumping is a lot safer, but there is still a large threat behind it so tread carefully.


Not as abysmal as it seems on the surface but still quite difficult. Luckily you have access to all your basic combos which will chunk pet heavily due to low defense. However, instead of s214x s214a into star finger oki, you have to end with tandem knockdown to get a crossup 50/50. Luckily this means you can still two touch pet, the only concern is not getting blown up for trying to overextend for a hit. Most hits from pet will lead into 70-80% if not a tod, so be careful with your approaches and movement in neutral. Jumpins work quite well as well as dashing pressure. Success in this match up is bent around knowing how to deal with pets “pressure”.

Pet can gaplessly string mids in order to form an icicle, allowing him to do an unblockable. This requires you to gc in order to prevent getting blown up. To combat this pet may mix up or frame trap you with a low, which can be called out by grab. Because everything else is gapless, you can feasibly mash 4c during the string if you expect them to attempt a low. Normals such as s.5a can completely stuff out some of pets risky approaches and options on pressure, and 66a is a low commit button that can be used to move forward while pressuring to avoid icicle.


Arguably Jotaro’s hardest matchup outside of Kakyoin, Pol requires smart and calculated play. Polnareff’s stand on almost completely outclasses yours, so a big part of this matchup is catching over extensions in neutral and on pressure. As an example, SS blockstrings can be called out with smart pushblocks and/or empty tandem after SS summon. But in a general sense, you have to capitalize as hard as possible off of Polnareff’s mistakes, which makes this matchup heavily reliant on Polnareff’s aggressiveness and negligence towards stand on. Luckily, unlike many other characters, you have good tools to deal with SS and other elements of Polnareff’s offense. j.s.c is important in attacking SS and double jump can cause SS to whiff entirely. Once you get really comfortable with the Pol’s offensive patterns, you incorporate options such as 7 s.j.b to call out both an SS 663c and a bait. Even with decent meterless options, holding onto meter for star breaker is crucial in punishing overextensions. All in all, a very tough matchup despite the tools, but doable as long as you play around the opponent and their mistakes.

Shadow Dio

Shadow Dio can deal massive damage off most hits and set up for his extensive okizeme, yet has an incredibly though time getting in to start his combo and wakeup game. S. Dio can struggle close up against s.5b but typically they will approach with normals like j.b, 66c, 66a, and 663c cancelled into j.s/5s. Buttons such as s5b and 66a work to preemptively stuff these options out, while 6b is excellent for whiff punishing into knockdown. Be sure to properly whiff punish or stuff these out as S. Dio pressure can be rather sticky if they are adaptive. s.5a is still a solid anti-air tool, just note that S. Dio’s jumping hurtbox can be a little bit deceptive on the uptake, which can leave you susceptible to cross over j.s. Additionally, due to S. Dio’s slow wake up speed, Okizeme is quite easy and potent. This mixed with the fact that 5ABC reps will still hit S. Dio crouching means hits are extremely rewarding. You want to focus on punishing any overextension in their pressure, such as looping on block, attempting cross over j.s when you are stand on, etc. Additionally, make sure to hold on to meter as S. Dio struggles to safely pressure against it. S. Dio can punish you rather hard for staying in stand on, but you need buttons like s.5a to beat out his offense- this is why getting comfortable with using s+5a from stand off is important as you get stand on buttons on demand while still keeping the crouch box until it’s safe.

Understanding S. Dio’s oki options helps a lot in this match up. A very frequent oki option is the “fake crossup” which involves S. Dio jumping over you and does a j.5s. This lacks crossup protection so you will have to block towards the direction the S. Dio is moving then quickly crouch block normally to prevent a 2a catching you after S. Dio lands. You are able to get a full punish simply by pushblocking j.5s and doing 2a or s5a. However, knowing how to beat this option is only one layer to S. Dio’s oki mindgames, so use your judgement to try to figure out when to respect and disrespect their oki. Another common issue that players may run into is dealing with tick throw as Jotaro has 6 frames of prejump, making fuzzy jump a bad option. Luckily, at least on block, 662a is minus, so you can press s.5a after to net a full punish. On hit it is much harder to deal with and react to, and will simply come to practice and time invested.

An interesting quirk to note is S. Dio’s immunity to raw tandem in some situations. (Note that a more detailed explanation will be synthesized soon.) Given he is not point blank, upon inputting 214s, Star Platinum will keep rushing towards S. Dio well after he has reached him face to face, allowing for S. Dio to 3c and beat it out entirely. This effect happens even when S. Dio is in recovery for some moves, so just keep this in mind when fighting him. Air tandems are still good to go.

Rubber Soul

Rubber is similar to Iggy in the sense that both Rubber and Jotaro can struggle to approach, although Rubber has it much worse. Rubbers slow movement means many Rubbers rely on jump-ins such as j.A j.S to close the distance. This approach can be shut down by s.5a, s.2c, 3c, and star breaker fairly well, so Rubber relies of getting the life lead early and maintaining it. Once he does get a hit he can start an incredibly dangerous tech chase game that can result in large damage. Additionally his supers are incredibly damaging, namely 236aa. It can be used on early reaction to a jump-in to setup an air unblockable and make you tank the entire super. Due to Jotaro’s low stand meter, you are incredibly susceptible to a stand crash after blocking the super as it does a large amount of chip. Traditional star finger oki will not work, as Rubber has an exceptionally fast wakeup. This paired with how potent his counter is means you always have to keep wakeup counter in mind. 66c finds some good use in the matchup along with alternate oki options such as unblockables and Ora oki. Don’t over extend stand on pressure as rubber guard cancel can convert on stand crash. s.5b and Star Breaker as mentioned prior are very strong tools in shutting rubbers offensive game down.

Dealing with rubber vortex is incredibly difficult once he starts up, so you want to focus on just staying out of his 6s distance once you have a life lead. From there make sure to anti air any aerial approaches and stuff him out on the ground. However, if you do find yourself in the vortex, gcing j.s can get rubber off of you quickly.

Vanilla Ice

An incredibly volatile a momentum based matchup, primarily because of how strong both characters’ offensive and defensive tools are. Once a life lead is established by either character, both of their strong stand on normals can stop the opponents approach. In this matchup Jotaro is looking to comfortably sit at about max range s66a and hard call out reckless or predictable spacing from Ice. V. Ice being a small stand gauge means most hits lead to massive damage. Once a life lead is secured, Jotaro can shut out a lot of Ice’s offense with buttons such as s.5b, s.5a, and 7 s.j.b. Additionally, star breaker is a large help in dealing with Ice overextending on offense. Become accustomed to patient play and hard call outs both in neutral and defense.

Young Joseph

This match-up boils down to contesting Youngseph’s air space and area of influence as often as possible. Normals like s.5a, s.2c, and 3c beat out j.c, j.s. Even an occasional trade is fine as you usually benefit more from it given you are grounded, allowing you to tech chase. s66a is incredibly strong in the matchup as youngseph cannot duck it, allowing for ample tick throw mix and rush down/ pressure. You want to stay within the 66c pocket in order to stay out of range of 66s and IOH j.c j.s but still be able to punish clackers or cross bow. Approaching can be a little obnoxious at first as 3b, 5b, 236b, and 66s can catch your dash-ins, so staying just outside of range and being on point with whiff punishes using s66a, s5b, 6b, and s214aa is effective in swinging the lifelead back in your favor.

If you are not able to stop Youngseph from initially throwing clackers do not fret- simply turn stand on, pushblock each clacker to destroy it, then walk forward until the next. Due to pushblock negating pushback from clackers, you will eventually reach s214aa range, which can lead to a bait out aforementioned moves that beat your blind dash ins. Showing you are willing to punish 236b is quite useful in the matchup, as once that is established Youngseph will have a difficult time chipping you. This is due to the fact that j.c j.s does NOT do chip damage, meaning you can simply block the move in stand off and prepare to pushblock and punish.

Refrences and Resources

Just a couple of Jotaro related resources that are good to have.

A smaller playlists of Jotaros who show off pressure, oki, movement, and tech chase quite well. Or ones that are just fun to watch. These guys may mess around a bit so take stuff with a grain of salt. SQ is the start palette one, a favorite of mine. 🙂

Link to the matchup evernote I plan to keep the wiki up to date with this, but there’s a better chance this will be updated, and it includes extra stuff like matchup odds and FAQ on MU numbers.

JP Jotaros to watch: SQ, WJ, BBC (retired), OraOra. On fightcade you may see Mazuibou and Cy002 play Jotaro (not main character but still cool to watch).

Overseas Jotaros to watch: TheShadowJin (retired), BNOC, KainZC7 (retired), MisterSystem (retired). Exceptional non-JP players. Additional Jotaros include Mono-1, CaineTemple, Reinerro. I may include a playlist of current overseas players’ replays, to not only serve to show the gap in skill, but to also serve as a look into how Jotaros play in the “western meta”.

Posterd#7176 – I just recently overhauled the Jotaro wiki, so if there are any questions or you just want to chat, let me know! You could watch me but I’m probably the least experienced of the bunch.

Thanks guru for the transparent hitboxes

Frame Data

How to read the Frame Data Table:

Duration – Length of an action. The player becomes able to perform another action on the last frame of a given attack.

Active – Amount of attack’s active frames.

Type – Attack or movement type. Normal is used for normal moves that cannot be blocked midair. Low is used for low attacks. Overhead is used for attacks that cannot be blocked while crouching. Special is used for special attacks that can be blocked midair. Air-UB is used for Special attacks that cannot be blocked midair. UB means the attack is fully unblockable.

Connects On Frame – Which frame the attack becomes active. In theory, if an attack is +7 on hit, you can follow it up with an attack that becomes active in 6 frames or less.

Adv. On Hit – Advantage after an attack is not blocked by the opponent. If an attack with more active frames connects late, the advantage will be bigger.

Adv. On Block – Advantage after an attack is blocked by the opponent. If an attack with more active frames connects late, the advantage will be bigger.

Adv. On Push – Advantage after an attack is pushblocked on the same frame it has connected with the opponent. Advantage changes depending on which frame opponent used pushblock.

Notes – Miscellaneous info about the attack.

[*] – Stand recovery data: Whiff-Block-Hit. Might be inaccurate due to distance/ no. of hits extending the duration.

[**] – Can be cancelled into s.214A/B/C.

Jotaro Kujo ★ History

It’s already been more than twenty years since my beloved daughter married a Japanese. Why did she have to go at the other end of the world? My grandson won’t even recognize me!

Jotaro Kujo was born in 1971, to Holy Kujo and Sadao Kujo. Much of Jotaro’s youth was that of a normal Japanese child. He participated in a wide variety of activities, including playing ball as a toddler, running track as a young boy and attending school. Throughout his childhood, he was supported and supervised by his mother, Holy, while his father Sadao was constantly on tour. [1] The details of Jotaro’s eventual shift into delinquency by the age of 17 are unknown.

The information below derives from the Stardust Crusaders TV anime which was not written by Araki. As such, it may not be considered canon .

The anime adaptation shows that Jotaro lives in a fictitious district called Kugyo ( 公暁 , Kugyō ) , with flashbacks showing he attended Kugyo Primary School ( 公暁小学校 , Kugyō Shōgakkō ) and the Prefectural Kugyō Higashi High School ( 県立公暁東高等学校 , Kenritsu Kugyō Higashi Kōtōgakkō ) . [2]

Stardust Crusaders (1988-1989)

He used to be such a good boy. and now I don’t know what’s happened to him!

In 1988, at the age of seventeen, Jotaro severely injured four gang members in a fight. Knowing his strength could not grow to such a length, he began thinking he was possessed by an “evil spirit” and so turned himself to the police. Despite the police and Holy telling him he was free to go, Jotaro insisted on staying in his jail cell, demonstrating the danger by taking one of the policeman’s guns and shooting himself in the head. He was not killed, however, as a third arm appeared to him and was able to catch the bullet in mid-air. [1]

Holy soon called her father, Joseph Joestar, to work out the situation. After a brief chat between Jotaro and Joseph failed to sway Jotaro, Joseph sent out his Egyptian friend, Muhammad Avdol. Avdol then sent out his own “evil spirit”, known as Magician’s Red, and trapped Jotaro’s limbs with rings of fire. [3] In defense, Jotaro’s “evil spirit” fully appeared before Jotaro and successfully released him from the fire. Joseph then revealed that the “evil spirit” was known as a Stand, a manifestation of a person’s life force. While breaking the iron bars of his cell, Jotaro accidentally let himself out of his cell. With Jotaro freed, Joseph told him the real reason he and Avdol came to Japan. A century-old vampire known as DIO, an enemy of Jotaro’s great-great-grandfather Jonathan Joestar, had risen once more. [4]

Later, Joseph showed his Stand, Hermit Purple, to Jotaro. Using its ability to put visions of distant places onto film, Joseph produced a picture of DIO for Jotaro by striking a camera. The picture revealed that DIO’s body was actually Jonathan’s due to the Star Birthmark that all blood members of the Joestar Family possess, being on the nape of his neck. Even with Joseph’s proof, Jotaro still barely believes his story. [5]

Battle Against Noriaki Kakyoin

True evil. are those who use the weak for their own gain, then crush them underfoot when they’re through! Especially an innocent woman! And that is exactly what you’ve done, isn’t it? And your Stand gets to hide from the victim, the law, and the consequences. That’s why. I will judge you myself!!

—Jotaro Kujo, about to defeat Kakyoin, Stardust Crusaders Episode 2: Who Will Be the Judge?!

The next day, Jotaro walked to school, constantly being hit on by his many female classmates. While walking down some steps, Jotaro’s leg was cut, sending him flying into the air. [5] After catching himself with some branches, Jotaro encountered a transfer student, Noriaki Kakyoin, who gave him a handkerchief to clean his wound. At the school nurse’s office, Jotaro opened up Kakyoin’s handkerchief which revealed that Kakyoin would kill him. The nurse then began going insane, trying to stab Jotaro with a pen. Kakyoin then appeared, calmly telling Jotaro that the nurse was under his control using his Stand, Hierophant Green. [6] After freeing the nurse by pulling Hierophant Green from her mouth, Jotaro was forced to take Kakyoin’s signature attack, Emerald Splash. Jotaro survived the attack and, after proclaiming Kakyoin was evil for manipulating the weak, was able to deflect the next Emerald Splash, take hold of Kakyoin, and mercilessly beat him up. [7]

Jotaro brought the unconscious Kakyoin to the Kujo Mansion in order to get information about DIO. There, Joseph told Jotaro that Kakyoin was being controlled by a flesh bud of DIO’s. The bud caused Kakyoin to become loyal to DIO and would also kill him in a few days, an operation to remove it would only damage his brain. Using the precise hand movements of his Stand, Jotaro began removing Kakyoin’s flesh bud. Despite the flesh attacking him, the removal was successful, allowing Kakyoin to return to his senses. [8]

The next day, Jotaro found that his mother had gained a Stand ability due to DIO’s influence. But due to Holy having a much gentler persona, she could not control her Stand. Avdol then estimated that she would die in 50 days and the only way to cure her would be to kill DIO. Thanks to his Stand being able to draw an Aswan We-We fly from their photo of DIO, Jotaro was able to confirm that DIO was in Nile River in Cairo, Egypt, as the fly was known to only live in that area. Knowing DIO’s location, Jotaro, Joseph, Avdol, and Kakyoin, who owed a debt to Jotaro for saving his life, began their quest to Egypt. Avdol then gave Jotaro’s Stand a name, Star Platinum. [9]

The Journey Begins

Battle Against Tower of Gray

After giving a final goodbye to Holy, who was in the care of the Speedwagon Foundation, the four left from Narita airport on a flight to Cairo. While above the East China Sea, they noticed an insect on the plane. The insect then began attacking Jotaro, who quickly deduced that it was a Stand. [10] Avdol was then able to figure out that the Stand was known as Tower of Gray and its user had caused many crashes, making them look like accidents. While Jotaro was able to fend it off, Tower of Gray was able to kill a few innocent people, taking their tongues. However, Kakyoin was able to trap Tower of Gray with Hierophant Green and rip the Stand to shreds. With the Stand defeated, the identity of the user was quickly shown to be Gray Fly, an old man who was on their flight. [11]

Despite Gray Fly’s defeat, the group quickly found out that the pilots had already been killed by Tower of Gray earlier. Gray Fly, with his dying breath, then told the Jotaro and the others that he was only the first of many assassins and that they would never reach Egypt. With no other choice, Jotaro and Joseph were forced to land the plane 35 kilometers off the coast of Hong Kong and now knew that they now had to head to Egypt by either land or sea. [12]

Jean Pierre Polnareff’s Attack

Arriving in Hong Kong, the group discussed their status over a meal. They soon met a Frenchmen named Jean Pierre Polnareff, who quickly revealed himself to be one of DIO’s men. At the Tiger Balm Garden, Avdol faced off against Polnareff’s Stand, Silver Chariot. After defeating him, Avdol recognized Polnareff’s chivalrous ways and chose not to kill him. Jotaro then quickly removed Polnareff’s flesh bud, just as he did to Kakyoin. [12]

While waiting for their next mode of transportation at a ship dock, Polnareff agreed to join Jotaro’s group and told them his original reason for joining DIO. Polnareff’s sister had been killed by a man with two right hands and had now come to the conclusion that the killer was one of DIO’s men. [13]

Battle Against the Impostor Captain Tennille

While on the ship, Jotaro saved the life of a child that had fallen overboard from a shark. The child, who Jotaro quickly saw to be a girl, had hidden on board earlier. As they were swimming back to the ship, Jotaro and the girl were nearly attacked by a creature in the water, which turned out to be an underwater Stand. Back on board, Avdol suspected the girl of being the Stand user. However, Jotaro correctly suspected the Stand user to be the ship’s captain, Tennille, after fooling him into admitting himself to be a Stand user. Tennille, who admitted himself to being only an impostor of the real Captain Tennille, then used his Stand, Dark Blue Moon, to kidnap the Runaway Girl. Jotaro was able to quickly punch out Tennille and rescue the Runaway Girl while Tennille fled into the water. As Jotaro was pulling the Runaway Girl back up, he was pulled down to the ocean by Tennille. Underwater, Tennille covered Star Platinum in barnacles, sucking away Jotaro’s strength. Dark Blue Moon then caused a whirlpool to appear which sucked Jotaro in. Jotaro was able to concentrate all his strength into Star Platinum’s fingers which then sliced part of Dark Blue Moon’s head off, killing Tennille. [13]

Battle Against Forever

Soon afterward, the ship began exploding, Tennille having planted bombs on the ship earlier. After some time on the lifeboat, Jotaro and the others came across another ship. As everyone looked throughout the ship, they found the ship to be empty, with the exception of an orangutan. The situation proved to be dangerous when one of Tennille’s crewmembers was killed by one of the ship’s hooks. Jotaro and the others searched the ship for a Stand or its use but could find nothing. While searching, Jotaro found the orangutan, Forever, almost assaulting the Runaway Girl. Jotaro fought Forever and realized that it was the Stand user. As Jotaro continued his fight, Forever began using objects from the entire ship to attack him, as well as being able to absorb into the walls. When Forever was at a safe distance, objects from the ship began strangling Jotaro and capturing Joseph and the others. It quickly became apparent that the entire ship was Forever’s Stand, Strength. Jotaro was able to escape the objects by annoying Forever. Using one of his school pins and Star Platinum’s precise finger movements, Jotaro was able to subdue Forever. Forever then surrendered, showing Jotaro his belly, but Jotaro did not forgive him and pursued to beat him to death. [14] With Forever dead, Strength began to slowly disintegrate. Jotaro and the others returned to their lifeboat and were successfully able to make it to Singapore. [15]

Battle Against Rubber Soul

With their bodies tired from the recent experience, the group decided to stay a day in Singapore. [15] While traveling around Singapore with Kakyoin and the Runaway Girl, Jotaro saw Kakyoin nearly kill a petty thief. With Kakyoin’s personality quite different, Jotaro immediately became suspicious. After almost being pushed down a large building by Kakyoin, Jotaro punched him, revealing Kakyoin to be an impostor. The fake Kakyoin then revealed himself to be Rubber Soul, a Stand user who could use his goo-like Stand, Yellow Temperance, to form into any shape or being.

Jotaro began to fight him, only for Yellow Temperance to throw him out of the cable car they were in. While Jotaro was able to save himself, he noticed a piece of Yellow Temperance had attached itself to him, slowly trying to eat his flesh. After seeing that fire and ice wouldn’t work to stop it, Jotaro fought Rubber Soul again. Rubber Soul tried to completely cover Jotaro in Yellow Temperance, but with both now entangled, Jotaro was able to throw himself and Rubber Soul into the water. Since Rubber Soul had to uncover Yellow Temperance from his face in order to breathe, Jotaro used this opportunity to hit Rubber Soul.

Rubber Soul then begged for his life and told Jotaro about the killer of Polnareff’s sister, J. Geil, whose ability involved mirrors. Rubber Soul then tried one final assault on Jotaro by using Yellow Temperance to pull Jotaro into a water pipe. Using Star Platinum’s fist to plug up the water pipe, the water pressure caused Rubber Soul to fly into the water. Rubber Soul tried to give Jotaro another plea of forgiveness, but Jotaro gave him another barrage of attacks. Jotaro later joined back with the group, including the real Kakyoin, in order to get on a train to their next destination, India. Unbeknownst to Jotaro, the Runaway Girl, who had developed a crush on Jotaro, was following them closely. [16]

India and Pakistan

Arriving in Calcutta, Jotaro and the others quickly met the local people until eventually going to a café. There, Polnareff encountered a Stand that used mirrors, meaning that the user who killed his sister was in Calcutta. Deciding to take the battle into his own hands, Polnareff left to fight J. Geil by himself. Avdol and Kakyoin later joined Polnareff in his fight. [17] Later, Jotaro and Joseph found Avdol wounded, having been nearly shot in the head by J. Geil’s partner, Hol Horse, with his Stand, Emperor that takes the form of a gun. They managed to treat his wounds and, so that Avdol could make a full recovery, decided to fake his death. [18] After taking Avdol to safety, Jotaro and Joseph managed to find Kakyoin and Polnareff, who had been able to successfully kill J. Geil. However, they were unable to stop Hol Horse from getting away. [19]

Battle Against ZZ

As they got close to the border, the group once again encountered the Runaway Girl. After some arguing, Jotaro decided to take her to the border, where they’d buy tickets for her back to Hong Kong. While driving to the border, a car they encountered earlier forced them to nearly collide with an oncoming truck, Star Platinum being their only way of escaping safely. Once the group reached a roadside cafe named Cafe Marhaba, Joseph spotted the same car there. Suspecting the driver to be one of the customers inside, Jotaro, Joseph, and Polnareff began to beat up all the men with muscular arms, due to the driver also having them. However, the brawl proved useless as the car began moving away, the driver’s face still unknown. Due to the driver mixing up the road signs, the group entered a narrow mountain way and were pushed off a cliff by the driver’s car. Thanks to the combined efforts of Hierophant Green and Star Platinum, the group was able to hook their car onto the enemy car and make it back up the cliff. With them back up, Jotaro used Star Platinum to punch the enemy car. The car soon appeared again, having actually been a Stand called Wheel of Fortune. Wheel of Fortune then transformed and proceeded to attack Jotaro, as well as Kakyoin and Polnareff. The group began running but Wheel of Fortune kept following them through both narrow edges and on top of cliffs. Using the gas that had been left behind from the wounds he caused, Wheel of Fortune was then able to light Jotaro on fire. Thanks to quick thinking, Jotaro was able to avoid the burns and used the opportunity to get close to Wheel of Fortune. With the user now in his range, Jotaro used Star Platinum to beat him. [20]

With Wheel of Fortune defeated, the group soon saw that the user, ZZ, was just a skinny man, his arms being the only muscular part of his body. In order to make sure he wouldn’t attack again, they chained him to a rock and took his passport. The obstacle now cleared, Jotaro and the others put the Runaway Girl on the next plane back to Hong Kong, despite her protests. [21]

Battle Against Enya the Hag

Having made it to Pakistan, Jotaro’s group stopped for the night in a town covered in fog. Moments later, they found the corpse of a man who seemingly died of shock. The man’s body was completely covered with holes, yet there was no blood. They were then approached by an old woman, Enya, who offered a night’s stay at her hotel. When Jotaro heard Enya call Joseph by his name, his suspicion was aroused and he asked how she knew it. Enya escaped being unmasked by claiming Polnareff had said it earlier. Later that night, Jotaro went looking for Polnareff, who had been gone for quite a while. Jotaro, who had been suspicious of Enya, proved his thoughts correct when she called him by his name. Jotaro then revealed to Enya that he had signed his name as “Qtaro Kujo” in the guestbook, thus solidifying his suspicions of her being a Stand user. Enya began attacking Jotaro with her Stand, Justice, which had actually been the fog that surrounded the town.

Polnareff and Hol Horse, who each had been attacked earlier, appeared and told him that Justice could take possession of someone with any wound on their body. This also included corpses, explaining the mystery of the corpse from earlier that day. Jotaro was able to stop Justice by having Star Platinum completely inhale it, thus defeating Enya. [21] With Justice now rendered useless, the entire town reverted to nothing more than a cemetery. The group decided to take Enya along with them because of her knowledge of DIO’s Stand ability and his location in Egypt. [22]

Battle Against Steely Dan

In the city of Karachi, another Stand user, Steely Dan, appeared and told Enya that she had failed. Enya’s flesh bud then killed her. Jotaro quickly attacked Steely Dan, only for the pain felt by Dan to also be felt by Joseph. Dan revealed that his Stand, Lovers had burrowed deep inside Joseph’s body and any pain that was inflicted upon Dan would also affect Joseph. With his grandfather’s life at stake, Jotaro was forced into doing whatever Dan wanting him to, threatening to hurt himself (and therefore Joseph) if Jotaro didn’t comply. Elsewhere, Kakyoin and Polnareff had shrunk their Stands inside Joseph’s brain and tried to find The Lovers. After some fighting, Hierophant Green was able to defeat The Lovers, forcing it to leave Joseph’s brain. In the last effort, Dan tried to control Jotaro and then a small girl until he saw that Kakyoin had tied Hierophant Green to The Lovers. Jotaro then beat Dan harder than any of his previous opponents and threw a piece of paper at him containing all the cruel things he had done to him, calling it his “receipt”. [22]

Arabia and the Red Sea

Battle Against Sun

The Joestar group finds out the truth about The Sun

Due to unrest in the area, the group chose to not go to Iran and Iraq, instead of passing along the strait from Karachi to Abu Dhabi. Riding on camel-back, they traveled across the Arabian Desert from Abu Dhabi to Saudi Arabia. As the heat raged on, Joseph surprised the group by revealing that it actually should be nighttime. They soon realized that the Sun itself was a Stand when it was rising from the west. The heat grew worse, with even the scorpions not being able to handle the heat. Kakyoin even tried to attack The Sun directly, only for it to bounce the attack back. However, after finding shade under a rock, they were able to find the user, Arabia Fats, who had been using a mirror to hide. With a simple stone throw, Fats was knocked out and the group were able to continue in the cold desert night. [23]

Battle Against Death Thirteen

Buying a Cessna plane in Yabrin, the group was forced to take a sick baby with them to the next town. While in flight, a sleeping Kakyoin began freaking out and messed up the controls. While Joseph was able to keep everything steady, they then ran into a coconut tree and crashed. Even though everyone ended up safe, Kakyoin’s strange attitude continued as he tried to harm the baby, Mannish Boy. That night, after they all fell asleep, Jotaro and the others woke up in a dream world and were confronted by an enemy Stand, Death Thirteen, which was being controlled by Mannish Boy. They found themselves unable to use their Stands and were getting attacked. However, Kakyoin, who had summoned his Stand before going to sleep, was able to use Hierophant Green in the dream world. Kakyoin was able to subdue Death 13 and free the rest. With their Stands inactive in the dream world, everyone, sans Kakyoin, forgot these events. [24] It can be presumed that the heroes were rescued and Mannish Boy given to someone else’s care.

Battle Against High Priestess

After picking Avdol back up [25] (and finally telling Polnareff the truth about Avdol’s supposed “death”), he revealed that he had bought a submarine that would take them across the Red Sea. The sailing went well for a while until they were attacked by High Priestess, an enemy Stand controlled by a user named Midler. Using its ability to transform into anything glass, metallic, or rubber, High Priestess tried to drown them and attack them using metallic objects. As the submarine sank, Jotaro and the others were forced to take scuba gear and swim. High Priestess then formed into the body of the ocean and proceeded to eat them. It tried to crush Jotaro with its teeth, but Jotaro was able to use Star Platinum to completely smash High Priestess’s teeth, thus breaking Midler’s own teeth and knocking her out. They then swam out of the Red Sea. After 30 days of dangers, they had finally made it to Egypt. [18]


Upon request by Joseph, the Speedwagon Foundation sent extra help in the form of another Stand user, the user of The Fool. The user turned out to be a dog named Iggy who could manipulate the sand around him. Before leaving, the Speedwagon employees also told Jotaro and Joseph that Holy’s condition was getting worse with every passing day and that she only had about two weeks left. They also told them they saw nine other people going to the same area that DIO was thought to be hiding before taking off. [26]

Battle Against Geb

After some time driving through the sands, Jotaro and the others found one of the employees have died from drowning. The other employee was quickly decapitated when the water from Joseph’s canteen came out and ripped his head inside. Realizing they were now under attack from a water Stand, Geb, the group tried to separate. Geb went for Kakyoin, slashed his eyes, and then went after Polnareff. Before Polnareff could be hurt, the dead employee’s digital watch began to beep. Geb instead attacked the watch, indicating that it detected its targets through sound. After multiple attempts to either run away or attack it directly, the heroes’ car was destroyed by quicksand and Avdol was badly wounded. With no other choice, Jotaro forced Iggy to use The Fool in order to fly them to the location of the Stand user. Jotaro saw that the user, N’Doul, was blind and solely relied on sound to attack. Jotaro was able to distract N’Doul by throwing Iggy towards him and took this moment in order to get behind N’Doul and land a strong punch. Defeated, N’Doul chose to kill himself with Geb. While he did not fear death, he did not want to be killed by DIO, his savior, for his failure. Before dying, N’Doul told Jotaro that Geb was one of the Nine Gods of Egypt, implying the other gods were Stand users as well. Jotaro buried N’Doul in the sand and seemingly began a friendship with Iggy (though it was a rough start). [26]

Battle Against Anubis

Jotaro is stabbed by Anubis-controlled Silver Chariot

Jotaro and the others quickly took Kakyoin and Avdol to a hospital in Aswan. [27] While Avdol was able to recover quickly, Kakyoin had to stay in the hospital. The good news was that his pupils weren’t damaged and he’d be able to join them in a few days. Later in Kom Ombo, Polnareff came across an enemy, Chaka, but quickly defeated him and took his sword. While at a barbershop in Edfu, the sword, Anubis the living Stand, took possession of the barber, Khan, but Jotaro and Polnareff were able to stop him and break the sword. But Anubis soon took possession of Polnareff instead and used Silver Chariot for a twin swords attack. Despite getting stabbed, Jotaro was able to shatter the hilt of the blade and free Polnareff of Anubis’s control. Unbeknownst to Jotaro, the remainder of the sword eventually fell into the river, where it rusted several days later. [28]

Alessi’s Attack

Even as a kid. when push comes to shove, Jotaro gets the job done.

In Luxor, while Joseph and Avdol were dealing with another enemy user, [29] Jotaro and Polnareff were soon involved in their own battle. Polnareff was turned into a child by the ability of enemy Alessi’s Stand, Sethan. Alessi took advantage of Polnareff’s size and tried to kill him. Jotaro eventually came to the scene but Alessi quickly changed him to a child as well, roughly seven years of age. Since he had only recently gained Star Platinum, he now found himself unable to use it. Despite this disadvantage, Jotaro, who had always been strong even as a kid, was still able to knock Alessi out and revert them back to their original ages. When Alessi awoke, Jotaro and Polnareff continued to beat him into oblivion. They soon met back up with Joseph and Avdol. [30]

After receiving a call from the Speedwagon Foundation, Joseph informed everyone that Holy had only four or five days left to live. In order to speed things up, they then took a train from Luxor to Cairo. [31]

Battle Against Daniel J. D’Arby

Reaching Cairo, Joseph used Hermit Purple in order to gain a photograph of DIO’s new mansion. They kept asking around but could not find anyone that knew its location. Near the pyramids of Giza, they then met a man, Daniel J. D’Arby, who claimed to knew the whereabouts of the mansion. However, being a gambler himself, D’Arby told them they had to gamble with him in order to learn such information. Polnareff played a game in which he guessed which piece of beef jerky a cat would get. But Polnareff lost the bet when the cat took the other piece and D’Arby took his soul in the process. D’Arby revealed himself to be an enemy Stand user and anytime someone lost at his games his Stand, Osiris, would take their soul. Joseph played a game involving dropping coins in an already-full glass of liquor, the loser being the one that made the liquor spillover. Joseph was seemingly winning the game (using tactics of his own) until D’Arby was able to get one more coin in, Joseph’s next coin being the one to lose. Checking the glass, Jotaro found that D’Arby had actually cheated again using a plan involving melting chocolate that had already been placed in the glass earlier. Seeing that D’Arby had once again cheated, Jotaro challenged D’Arby at his own game of poker. [32]

Jotaro demonstrated to D’Arby Star Platinum’s precise vision and accuracy, telling him that he would not be so easy to cheat against. Even after this, D’Arby tried another tactic at cheating, resulting in Star Platinum breaking his index finger. Using a nearby boy as the dealer, Jotaro bets his soul in order to start the game. D’Arby made Joseph’s and Polnareff’s souls into six chips each, meaning Jotaro would have to win a minimum of two hands in order to win them back. Jotaro lost the first hand, losing three of his six soul chips. On the second hand, Jotaro chose to not look at his cards and also raised the hand with Avdol’s soul. D’Arby called the hand with the rest of Jotaro’s soul and all of Polnareff’s, but then raised him all of Joseph’s soul as well. Jotaro, keeping a cool face, called the bet with Kakyoin’s soul. In order to intimidate D’Arby, Jotaro used Star Platinum’s speed to light himself a cigarette and get some juice. He then bet his mother’s soul as well and told D’Arby that the only way to call it would be to tell them the secret of DIO’s Stand. With the possibility of losing (and therefore telling the secret and then being killed by DIO for being a traitor), D’Arby fell unconscious, automatically folding the hand. Seeing D’Arby’s hand of four kings, Avdol was surprised to see Jotaro’s hand was nothing important. D’Arby’s forfeit freed everyone’s souls but D’Arby had become so mentally fatigued that they were not able to learn the location of the mansion. [32]

Continuing their search, Jotaro and the others eventually ran into Hol Horse once more. He tried to take Polnareff hostage but he was easily beaten. A moment later, a truck hit them but they were able to make it out with only minor injuries. Unbeknownst to them, Hol Horse ended up accidentally wounding himself in the process. [33] They continued their questioning until they found a beggar that had much information. He did not return, giving the possibility he may have been killed by another Stand user. [34]

The next day, Iggy, who had just recovered from a serious battle against another enemy, and Kakyoin, who had finally been released from the hospital, met up with them. With all six now joined together once more, Iggy led them to the location of DIO’s mansion. [35]

Battle Against Telence T. D’Arby

The team arrived at DIO’s mansion and were greeted by its butler, Telence T. D’Arby, younger brother of Daniel J. D’Arby. D’Arby quickly separated Jotaro, Joseph, and Kakyoin from Polnareff, Avdol, and Iggy and took them to his game room. D’Arby then challenged the trio to video games and if they lost their soul would be transferred to one of his dolls. First, D’Arby challenged Kakyoin to a racing game. While Kakyoin put up a good challenge, D’Arby was still able to win and took Kakyoin’s soul. D’Arby then challenged Jotaro to a baseball video game named Oh! That’s A Baseball!. In the beginning, Jotaro kept on missing and giving D’Arby the lead. However, having “memorized” the gameplay, Jotaro was able to successfully score four hits and take the advantage. But this did not distract D’Arby and he was able to take the lead once more. As the game continued, Jotaro was able to figure out that D’Arby’s Stand, Atum, must be able to read an individual’s mind. Jotaro then began announcing what his next movements would be, but the movements he actually did were different. D’Arby stared into Jotaro’s soul but found that he wasn’t lying. Jotaro continued this tactic and was able to defeat D’Arby in the process. D’Arby’s loss was able to return Kakyoin to his body and the trick was revealed to be Joseph using Hermit Purple to control the game. With Kakyoin now safe, Jotaro beat D’Arby hard enough to paralyze him. [35]

With the game won, Jotaro, Joseph, and Kakyoin proceeded further into the mansion. Not long after that, the mansion began to crumble, indicating Polnareff and Avdol were fighting another enemy somewhere else inside. [36] They then headed towards the tower of the mansion, where they suspected Polarneff and Avdol to be. [37] They were soon confronted by one of DIO’s remaining lackeys, Nukesaku, whom Jotaro easily beat. In exchange for letting him live, they took Nukesaku with them in order to gain any last-minute information they needed. [38]

The trio soon met back up with Polnareff, who was in the middle of fighting DIO. DIO then took the chance to run higher up the mansion’s tower. Polnareff then told them of Avdol and Iggy, both of whom had died fighting DIO’s right-hand man. Holding back their sadness, the four went to the top of the tower and found DIO’s casket. They then forced Nukesaku to open the casket. However, instead of DIO, they found Nukesaku himself in the casket. It was their first chance at seeing DIO’s Stand, The World. Sensing the danger, Jotaro and the others fled the castle. With nightfall, they knew DIO would begin to chase them. [38]

Struggle Against DIO

There’s only one reason you lost. just one simple reason. You pissed me off.

Now in Cairo, the team decided to split up, Jotaro and Polnareff on one end and Joseph and Kakyoin on the other. Needing an immediate mode of transportation, Jotaro and Polnareff stole a motorcycle and continued to search for DIO. They found two destroyed cars, indicating Joseph and Kakyoin were already in battle with DIO. Jotaro was able to find Joseph, who revealed that The World’s ability was to stop time. Joseph was then stabbed by a knife DIO threw while in the frozen time and was rendered unconscious. Angered by this, as well as Kakyoin’s death that had occurred moments earlier, Jotaro began his fight with DIO. [38]

DIO, invader of Jonathan’s life, gets his World invaded by Jonathan’s descendant

As the fight started, Jotaro saw that The World had similar strength and speed to Star Platinum. They began pummeling each other, seemingly to equal ends. But The World proved slightly stronger and injured Jotaro. DIO then froze time but was shocked to see that Jotaro, even by just a little bit, was also able to move in the frozen time. However, DIO found a magnet on himself and Jotaro. Both magnets were on the same side, giving the illusion that Jotaro could actually move. DIO then moved in for the killing blow, but Jotaro was able to land a powerful punch in the frozen time, indicating the magnets to be a red herring. However, DIO quickly recovered after taking the blood of an innocent bystander. [38]

Jotaro, surrounded by a terrifying amount of knives that DIO had thrown at him

DIO froze time once more and proceeded to hit Jotaro with a barrage of knives from all sides. Jotaro was able to block several knives in frozen time but found himself unable to stop them all once time return to normal. He was stabbed multiple times and fell to the ground. However, anticipating such an attack, Jotaro stuffed his jacket and hat with magazines, thus preventing his body and head from actually getting injured. But he still had been stabbed deeply in his arms and right leg. DIO then came to see if Jotaro had truly died. To make sure, he was about to cut off Jotaro’s head, until Polnareff came and stabbed DIO in the head. Using another time stop, DIO beat Polnareff. DIO then checked Jotaro’s heartbeat, forcing him to use Star Platinum to stop his heart. DIO continued on with his original plan to cut Jotaro’s head off but Jotaro was able to use this opportunity to land a strong blow directly into DIO’s head and shatter part of his skull. Heavily wounded, DIO tried to retreat. But at every angle, Jotaro easily followed DIO and continuously beat him. But luck fell on DIO, as he was able to make it back to where Joseph’s body was. Draining Joseph’s body, DIO’s wounds were all healed and he transformed into a much stronger form. [38]

Joseph’s soul then appeared to Jotaro and told him to stay calm despite what anger DIO may cause him. DIO then completely drained Joseph’s body, causing Jotaro to charge directly at DIO. DIO froze time again and Jotaro was able to move in frozen time more. But DIO, now supercharged, could move for an even longer time as well. DIO’s strength had also increased and he began constantly beating Jotaro. To finish off Jotaro, DIO froze time again and brought forth a Road Roller to crush Jotaro beneath it. Jotaro tried to push it back with Star Platinum, but was unable to continuously do it and was seemingly crushed. It had seemed that DIO was finally victorious in his century-long feud with the Joestars. But DIO soon found himself unable to move because Jotaro himself was able to stop time. Jotaro used his newly-discovered advantage to heavily injure DIO’s legs. DIO then sprayed the blood from his legs onto Jotaro’s eyes in an attempt to obscure his sight and began a strong kick with his good leg. However, Jotaro was able to see through Star Platinum’s eyes and counterattack with his arm. DIO’s The World then began to crumble from the attack, causing DIO’s body to break down as well. Even as he shouted how his defeat was impossible, DIO’s head exploded, finally marking his death. With DIO dead, the Joestar Group’s journey ended on January 16, 1989. [38]

At Journey’s End

Jotaro and Polnareff’s injuries were dealt with by the Speedwagon Foundation. Since DIO had taken much of Joseph’s blood, Jotaro asked for a blood transfusion from DIO’s body to Joseph’s. After using Star Platinum to restart Joseph’s heartbeat, the transfusion began. The shriveled-up body that Joseph had after losing so much blood began returning to his normal muscular figure and Joseph fully revived. Later, Jotaro and Joseph took the remainder DIO’s body outside, where it evaporated with the rising sun. They then gave one final moment of thought for Kakyoin, Iggy, and Avdol. [39]

According to Enrico Pucci, Jotaro also consulted DIO’s Diary the same day, committing DIO’s plan to reach Heaven to memory before burning down the notebook to erase the knowledge. [40]

At the airport, Jotaro and Joseph gave a final goodbye to Polnareff, who was ready to return to his home country of France. The trio gave their final goodbyes and left, promising to see one another again someday. In Japan, Holy awoke fully healed and freed from the curse. Even miles away, she knew her son and father were coming home. [39]

Pre-Diamond is Unbreakable (1989-1999)

Sometime after DIO’s defeat, Jotaro and Polnareff discovered the existence of the excavated Stand arrows and spent the 1990s tracking them down, with Jotaro going to the Americas and Asia while Polnareff searched Europe and Africa. [41]

After graduating, Jotaro studied marine biology and eventually became a marine biologist renowned for his research on sharks and whales. He married an American woman and had a daughter named Jolyne in circa 1992.

While looking through Joseph’s will, the Joestar Family discovered that Joseph had an illegitimate son named Josuke Higashikata in Morioh, Japan. In an attempt to get a picture of him using Hermit Purple, Joseph discovered an ominous figure in the photos instead, prompting the then 26-year-old Jotaro to travel to Morioh on Joseph’s behalf to discuss with Josuke on Joseph’s inheritance and to warn him about the figure in the photographs.

Diamond is Unbreakable (1999)

Meeting Josuke Higashikata

Arriving at Morioh in the Spring of 1999, Jotaro met Josuke Higashikata and his classmate Koichi Hirose. Josuke proved to be a kind person but would get angry when someone would insult his hair. His Stand, Crazy Diamond, had the ability to restore organisms and heal, as well as break down an object to their original components. After accidentally insulting his hair, Jotaro got into a fight with Josuke. Crazy Diamond’s attacks were powerful enough to break through Star Platinum’s defense, but thanks to the latter’s time stop, Jotaro was able to subdue him. Jotaro took this time to show Josuke a photo of a man named Anjuro Katagiri, a convicted serial killer and rapist. While he didn’t elaborate further to Josuke, he told him to be careful. [42]

Battle Against Anjuro Katagiri

Later, Jotaro called Josuke to inform him that Angelo’s Stand, Aqua Necklace, could disguise itself as any type of liquid. Without much of a fight, Josuke was able to capture it. However, after taking his eyes off of it, Aqua Necklace was able to escape and kill his grandfather, Ryohei Higashikata. Following the funeral, Jotaro and Josuke waited three days for Angelo to attack, drinking only bottled water in the duration. Angelo took advantage of the climate when, during a rainy day, slipped into the house and turned on all the pipes and anything that let out water and steam. Angelo surrounded Jotaro and Josuke throughout the house until he finally had Aqua Necklace go inside Josuke’s mouth. While it seemed like Angelo had won, in actuality, Josuke had earlier placed a plastic glove inside his mouth and used it to catch Angelo. [43]

Now helpless, Angelo told them that, due to Japanese law, they had no right to kill him. However, Josuke uses Crazy Diamond to fuse Angelo into the rock. While being fused, Angelo told Jotaro and Josuke that he had gained his Stand when a man with a Bow and Arrow had shot him. Instead of dying, he gained his Stand powers and was later able to escape prison. With this information, Jotaro was able to conclude that the Bow and Arrow was how DIO had gained his Stand abilities ten years ago. Angelo took this time to have Aqua Necklace, still inside the glove, try to strangle a child, taking a hostage in the process. He then insulted Josuke’s hair, which resulted in Josuke breaking part of the rock Angelo was in and deactivating Aqua Necklace. While Angelo lived, he could no longer speak and was trapped in the stone forever. [43]

Pursuing the Arrow

Red Hot Chili Pepper’s Attack

Checking with the Speedwagon Foundation, Jotaro confirmed that it was Enya that had used the Bow and Arrow on DIO over a decade ago. With Enya’s death, the whereabouts of the Bow and Arrow had gone missing. Someone else then got a hold of it and began creating Stand users, mostly around Morioh. Jotaro knew it was time to find the Bow and Arrow and destroy them. Around this time, Josuke and Koichi were involved in a fight involving the Bow and Arrow’s owner, Keicho Nijimura and his brother Okuyasu. By the end of the conflict, Okuyasu became an ally but Keicho was killed and the Bow and Arrow were stolen by someone else. [44]

Several days later, Jotaro received a phone call from a stranger who claimed to be the one that killed Keicho and stole the Bow and Arrow. He told Jotaro to leave Morioh soon or else he would kill him and Josuke. Using his Stand power, Red Hot Chili Pepper, the stranger was able to electrocute the phone line, nearly shocking Jotaro and destroying the telephone. [45] At another time, Josuke called Jotaro and informed him of an enemy Stand in the area. In order to fill in the details, they agreed to meet at Morioh Station. When Jotaro arrived, Josuke revealed that the one that called him was an imposter, used by a Stand user named Toshikazu Hazamada. He is nearly stabbed when Toshikazu uses his Stand to control Josuke before the goons Toshikazu attacked showed up and beat him up. [46]

Jotaro meets with a Speedwagon Foundation employee

Jotaro has later relayed a message from the Speedwagon Foundation that said that Joseph would be arriving in Morioh soon. Using Hermit Purple, Joseph would be able to find the user of Red Hot Chili Pepper. Gathering in an area without electricity, Jotaro talked to Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi about Joseph’s arrival. Red Hot Chili Pepper appeared, having stowed in the battery of Okuyasu’s motorcycle, and started going to the Morioh Harbor where Joseph was expected to arrive. Okuyasu stopped Red Hot Chili Pepper and the two began to fight. While Okuyasu was winning, Red Hot Chili Pepper was able to gain a boost in energy from an underground cable and defeat Okuyasu. Splitting into groups, Jotaro went with Okuyasu to the boat Joseph was on, while Josuke and Koichi stayed on land to fight off Red Hot Chili Pepper and its user Akira Otoishi. Josuke was successful in defeating Otoishi, but Akira was still able to get on board. However, Okuyasu was able to stop Akira once and for all and Akira was sent to jail. With Joseph safe, Josuke was able to meet his father for the first time. [47] Later, rather than destroying it, Jotaro took the Bow and Arrow to the Speedwagon Foundation for safekeeping. [48]

Battle Against Rats

While imprisoned, Akira confessed to having used the Bow and Arrow on a rat. Jotaro took Josuke on a hunt to find the rat, using ball bearings and their Stands’ speed and accuracy to hit. While setting up traps, they found a group of dead rats having been fused together into a cube. Following one of the storm drains, they found a house and farm that was completely empty. The two searched the house but couldn’t find any holes in the walls. The two then split up to check different rooms. Jotaro found one rat that used its Stand, Ratt, to shoot poison darts. While Star Platinum caught it, the dart automatically began to melt Jotaro’s arm. Meeting back up with Josuke, who had killed another rat that used the same Stand, Jotaro’s arm was fixed. After calling the Speedwagon Foundation, Jotaro learned that Akira had actually hit two rats. With one now dead, they continued their search for the other. [49]

Following any bite marks, droppings, and other tracks left behind, Jotaro and Josuke continued following the other rat, whom Jotaro named Bug-Eaten, past the storm drains. After some time, the tracks stopped, indicating that Bug-Eaten backtracked to some distance away. Now at a distance, Bug-Eaten used Ratt to shoot a dart into Josuke’s neck. But Jotaro used Star Platinum to stop time and remove the dart safely. Realizing Bug-Eaten was waiting for nightfall in order to escape, Jotaro acted as a distraction for Bug-Eaten to hit at while Josuke tried to hit Bug-Eaten. Jotaro was able to avoid the shots at first, but Bug-Eaten began throwing more shots ricochet off rocks and hit Jotaro. Jotaro continued hit distraction, his body melting more and more until Josuke was able to trick Bug-Eaten and kill it. [49]

Pursuing the Killer

The Killer Makes Himself Known

Soon after the events involving Shigekiyo Yangu’s disappearance, the group met up and discussed the circumstances around it. They concluded that the killer may be a Stand user, due to the unusual lack of evidence. Reimi Sugimoto did not know how or why they had met, but she confirmed that Shigechi was murdered by the same killer that killed her. Just before his death, Shigechi’s Harvest delivered Josuke a button which seemed to have fallen off the killer’s suit jacket. Jotaro decided to deliver the button to the Speedwagon Foundation to be analyzed; he figured the button should be able to narrow their suspects down due to it belonging to one certain brand. [50]

One morning, Jotaro was questioning the clothing stores around Morioh about the owner of the button when he encountered Koichi. They entered a shoe store called Mukade-ya, where they found a suit with the very same buttons hanging on a rack inside. However, before they could learn about the suit’s owner, the shopkeeper was attacked by Yoshikage Kira’s Sheer Heart Attack. Jotaro froze time and landed several punches on Sheer Heart Attack, but none of these attacks seemed to affect its hard body. He soon discovered that the Stand was automatically attracted to heat and urged Koichi to keep his own Stand close by; an order that Koichi ends up disobeying. When Sheer Heart Attack turned on Koichi, Jotaro stopped time once more and started a fire, thus diverting the explosion to him. Jotaro was disabled by the attack for some time, forcing Koichi to fight Kira alone. He regained consciousness sometime after Koichi was punched through the chest by Killer Queen, and managed to punch Kira senseless and end the fight in a draw. Joined by Josuke and Okuyasu, the four chased after a weakened Kira only to find that he had changed his appearance completely. [51]

Battle Against Yoshihiro Kira

Josuke, Okuyasu, Koichi and Jotaro visited Kira’s old home to find clues on his personality and whereabouts. While searching for a room with Josuke, Jotaro found a picture album and a record that Kira kept on the growth of his nails. Suddenly, a camera on the desk went off. The two looked at the photo and noticed that Kira’s father Yoshihiro was sitting crouched in the background. Yoshihiro attacked Jotaro and Josuke using his Stand Atom Heart Father’s ability. However, Jotaro outwitted the man by taking a new photograph and isolating Yoshihiro in it. This kept the ghost inside the photo until Okuyasu mistakenly opened the sealed photograph and released him. Yoshihiro stole the Stand arrow that Josuke discovered and made his escape. [52]

Battle Against Yoshikage Kira

Jotaro, Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi interrogate Hayato.

On the morning that Kira activated Killer Queen Bites the Dust, Jotaro and a number of other Stand users had decided to gather to discuss their findings on Kira’s whereabouts and identity. They encountered Hayato Kawajiri and recognized him as the boy from the photograph that Rohan Kishibe took, and immediately began to question Hayato about it. This activated Bite the Dust, and Jotaro, Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi were subsequently killed by Killer Queen. Time rewound, and on his next try, Hayato succeeded in exposing Kira’s identity. A final showdown between Josuke and Kira began. [53]

Jotaro, Koichi and Rohan heard loud noises coming from down the street and went to investigate. They found Kira, bloody and wounded from his battle with Josuke (and Okuyasu). Kira attempted to invoke Bite the Dust once more on a female nurse, but Koichi uses Echoes ACT3 to weigh down Kira’s hand and prevent him from pulling the trigger. Using the opportunity, Jotaro stopped time and punched Kira with Star Platinum. Kira was crushed by a nearby ambulance and finally defeated. [54] [55]

Farewell to the Golden Heart

Following Kira’s defeat, Jotaro and the rest of Morioh’s Stand users bade Reimi farewell. Jotaro and Joseph prepared to leave Morioh on a boat, while Josuke sent them off. Jotaro was concerned that other Stand users like Kira may appear, but Joseph assured him that Josuke and the others would protect the town with their golden spirits. It is revealed that Jotaro later earned a professor’s degree for the thesis on starfish that he wrote while he was in Morioh. [56]

At some point while Jotaro was in Japan, Jolyne was suffering from a very high fever, yet Jotaro did not go back to visit her. [57]

Vento Aureo (2001)

The Son of DIO

In 2001, Jotaro asked Koichi to go on a mission to Italy. His objective was to get a skin sample of a boy named Haruno Shiobana, which would then be given to the Speedwagon Foundation for analyzing. [58]

Sometime later, Koichi reported back to Jotaro that Haruno Shiobana, who now went by Giorno Giovanna, was a Stand user. Jotaro then revealed to Koichi that Giorno was the son of DIO and wanted to get his skin sample to investigate him further. However, now knowing that he was a Stand user, Jotaro called off the mission. [59]

Pre-Stone Ocean (2001-2011)

Due to his busy lifestyle (including his excursions dealing with supernatural threats), Jotaro had a poor relationship with his wife and daughter.

In 2006, Jolyne was framed for pickpocketing and sent to prison. Jotaro’s wife called him to come help bail her out, but he refused and hung up because he had to go to Tokyo for an emergency. Jolyne was ultimately sent to juvenile detention, resulting in their relationship worsening.

At another point, Jolyne took Jotaro’s car out for a joyride and was accused of stealing it. However, Jotaro left to another country, having work to do. [57] Jotaro eventually divorced his wife, [60] furthering deteriorating the relationship between him and Jolyne. Despite the large gap between the two, Jotaro still ultimately cared about Jolyne.

Stone Ocean (2011)

Battle Against Johngalli A.

Jotaro loses his memory and Stand to Whitesnake, putting him in a coma

In 2011, when Jolyne was imprisoned in Green Dolphin Street Prison for a crime she didn’t commit, a 40-year-old Jotaro learned of Johngalli A.’s link with his former enemy DIO and comes to the prison to have Jolyne escape, aware that it is a trap designed for him. However he and Jolyne are attacked by two enemies instead: Johngalli A. and the Stand Whitesnake cooperate to take down Jotaro; despite his prowess, Whitesnake manages to steal Jotaro’s Stand and memories, storing them in the form of DISCs, and he falls into a coma. Yet, before falling unconscious, he confesses his affection for his daughter, prompting Jolyne to stay in prison and try to retrieve the DISCs.

Coma and Return

For most of Jolyne’s adventures in Green Dolphin Street Prison, Jotaro was trapped in his coma, being taken care of by doctors from the Speedwagon Foundation who watch over his slowly decaying body and experiment with his condition. The doctors discover among others that he still has instinctive memories of certain things, such as Jolyne and his hat.

After Jolyne successfully sends his Memory DISC back to him, Jotaro makes a slow recovery. However, he makes a full return during Jolyne’s second confrontation with Enrico Pucci in Cape Canaveral along with Ermes Costello. Appearing just in time to save Jolyne from being shot, Jotaro punches Pucci upside the head with Star Platinum. Now fully mastering his Stand, he confronts Pucci and has Ermes shoot the priest, stopping time in order to follow up and launch a spear straight at Pucci’s head. However, Pucci somehow is able to see and react to the spear and narrowly avoids being killed, while also making use of the spear’s momentum to send him toward the ideal location to unlock the Stand Made in Heaven.

Battle Against Made in Heaven

Some time later, Jolyne wakes up, she and her companions unharmed while approaching helicopters confirm that gravity has returned to normal. Somehow, everyone was moved 200 meters from the shuttle, and the priest has disappeared. Jotaro can still sense Pucci though, and Ermes claims that Pucci is hiding, entering a building to protect herself from an incoming rain. However, everyone finds themselves soaked, and the rain has already stopped. Suddenly, the automatic door of the building closes itself at a tremendous speed on Ermes. Dumbfounded, Ermes escapes with some difficulties due to the speed of the door. Jotaro now notices that he’s dried off, and Anasui, trying to stop an unbalanced rock from falling on Ermes, realizes that it’s already fallen. Jolyne, looking at the already setting sun, realizes that things are going way more rapidly than usual.

While everyone decides to move away from the open space, Jotaro stops time with Star Platinum, managing to see the new Stand briefly. To Jotaro’s dismay, time resumes before he could act. Anasui and the others pull Jotaro up a roof, and Anasui uses this moment to stupidly ask permission to marry Jolyne from her father, dumbfounding Jotaro to the point that he holds Jolyne in a protective manner away from him. Jotaro stops time and sees Pucci and his Stand Made in Heaven bending a palm tree to use it as a catapult, eventually thrown to the roof faster than Jotaro can react.

Due to his overwhelming speed advantage, Pucci mortally wounds Jotaro but Diver Down absorbs the damage. The roof is unsafe now and thus the heroes ties themselves together. Shooting a bullet while holding a replica of the bullet from Kiss, they are able to “fly” around but Pucci still pursues them. It is here that Anasui dooms the group and tells Emporio to shoot towards the sea where Pucci has supposedly nowhere to hide. During the flight, Anasui formulates his plan. With the heroes so close together, Diver Down can protect them all and shield them. The moment Pucci attacks, Jotaro will have an opportunity to retaliate. Seeing hope in this plan, Jolyne motivates Anasui by telling him that he can ask her to marry him after they survive this battle.

The Last Moments of Jotaro Kujo

In the water, the group realizes their mistake. The accelerating time causes a heavy tide and the waves block the view. Pucci manipulates Stone Free to kill Anasui and throws knives at Jolyne. Fearing for his daughter, Jotaro loses time pushing her aside. Time resumes before he can properly attack Pucci and the priest swiftly evades the attack. Pucci explains to Jotaro that the Joestar bloodline’s greatness weakness is their own bonds and that in the end, Jotaro’s weakness was his own daughter. Afterwards, Made in Heaven swiftly splits Jotaro’s head in two.

The information below derives from the Stone Ocean TV anime which was not written by Araki. As such, it may not be considered canon .

In the anime adaptation, Jotaro weakly calls out to Jolyne before perishing, with the latter believing her father will save her no matter what. [61]

Once the universe continues its unstoppable acceleration, Jotaro’s corpse rots in the ocean water.


When Pucci resets the universe and brings forth a new continuity, Jotaro and Jolyne were both replaced with alternate versions of themselves, with distinctly dissimilar faces and slightly altered appearances (i.e. “Jolyne”‘s tattoo is a bee, “Jotaro”‘s hat lacks the hand sign) from the originals. The two are in the middle of arguing about the daughter breaking out of jail, before being interrupted by the appearance of Emporio, having survived Pucci’s assault, but being pursued by him.

Later, after Emporio defeats Pucci and the universe resets once more, a young woman named Irene (who retains Jolyne’s soul) mentions her plans to visit her father to him when they meet. It is implied that Irene’s unnamed father is Jotaro’s alternate universe counterpart, retaining Jotaro’s soul.

The Genesis of Universe

The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon .

One-Way Trip from the Desert to Hell City

After the fight with N’Doul, the Joestar Group is forced to traverse the desert on foot with little remaining water while being assaulted by the scorching heat and the blinding sunlight. Polnareff is incessantly complaining about the sunlight and his hoarse throat, much to Jotaro’s annoyance. Joseph shuts down Polnareff’s chatter and tells him not to waste his energy. Jotaro sympathizes with Polnareff; in such a desperate situation, it was crucial to keep the mind active. Kakyoin, who has been carried by Avdol for the past three days, suddenly moans out in pain. While Joseph treats Kakyoin’s wounds with whiskey, Jotaro tosses Polnareff his uniform and tells him to put it on, to which Polnareff reluctantly agrees. As the group rests, they pass around the remaining flask of water, emptying it completely.

On the horizon, they see a city, one of the numerous mirages they’ve seen in the past three days. They get up and continue walking. From the mirage, a black oil tanker begins moving through the sky towards them. It passes over them and disappears on the opposite side of the horizon. Polnareff begins to doubt his sanity, but Joseph points out that the water that has fallen from the ship is real. The group comes to the conclusion that they are being attacked by a Stand. On the same day, a fuel tank truck and a medieval European castle fly over them.

At night, the group is besieged by a sandstorm. As they continue walking, the wind becomes weaker, as if it’s being blocked by a large object. To their surprise, that object turns out to be a working diesel locomotive. Joseph convinces his allies that they have no other choice but to board the train. Jotaro steps into the locomotive. The LED message panel lights up, saying that at the last stop, Hell City, they will be connected to an express train to Aswan, their destination. The rest of the group board the train.

As the train leaves, Jotaro inspects its insides for anything suspicious and notices an odd mismatch in its technology: the oustide is of a 60’s model, the inside looks as if it was made in the 30’s, while having an LED screen from the 80’s. The train’s driver, Absalom, introduces himself and his train, Satanic Coupler, through the speakers. The sandstorm stops an hour before arriving at their destination and is immediately replaced by a mirage, which manifests itself as countless pieces of the United States. The group’s attempts to stop or escape the train prove to be in vain, as the train is in Absalom’s full control. The Joestar group unleashes their Stands and begins pummeling the insides of the train. It was, however, to no success as the train morphed and expanded to cushion the blows. Kakyoin loses his patience and unleashes his Emerald Splash in spite of his teammates’ protests. The emeralds bounce off the walls and hit Kakyoin and his allies, covering the floor with their blood. Kakyoin is guarded by Jotaro, who takes the full brunt of his attack. From Satanic Coupler emerge numerous tentacles, wrapping around the group and releasing a paralizing liquid. The walls of the train become transparent to reveal a nightmarish mirage of a city. Absalom, with uncharacteristic aggression, declares his desire to cruelly punish the civilized men before they die.

Satanic Coupler has already been moving through the city for several hours. After another announcement from Absalom, the tentacles, wrapped around the Joestar group, begin pumping out their blood, extracting information from their brains. The train begins to transform, becoming more modern. On top of that, Iggy’s perception of locomotives as monsters causes the train to grow horns and quills all over its surface. Jotaro and Polnareff coincidentally come up with the same plan; they begin pumping the Stand with advantageous information. The tentacles retract, and the fixed windows change into manual-opening windows. Jotaro and Polnareff escape successfully with Iggy, but Joseph, Avdol, and Kakyoin react too late, and the windows become fixed again. The three land safely on the pavement, using their Stands to cushion the fall. Satanic Coupler abruptly stops and begins moving towards them. They turn left into a narrow alley, followed by the train, smashing through the walls. Jotaro realizes that the ability to create mirages comes from another Stand user. He looks at the driver’s cabin with Star Platinum and sees Michal sitting beside Absalom. They run into a dead end, so Jotaro tells Iggy to call out his Stand. He grabs The Fool as it extends its huge wings and steers it towards Satanic Coupler’s cabin. The Fool crashes into the windshield, terrifying the woman into recalling her Stand. Jotaro and Polnareff, now surrounded by a desert, use their Stands to create a wave of sand which briefly engulfs the train. Absalom regains vision after two or three seconds, but the three are now out of his sight. He assumes that they went flying into the air with The Fool. Satanic Coupler vanishes beyond the line of the horizon in search of the three. Jotaro, Polnareff, and Iggy emerge from the sand, covered by Jotaro’s uniform.

The three wander the desert until the sun sets. They arrive at the foot of a dune before collapsing from exhaustion. Jotaro sees an oddly familiar view: two hills and a bright star. It reminded him of The Little Prince , a book gifted to him by Holy, which he loved reading as a kid. Jotaro prepares to meet his end; his only regret being that he couldn’t save his mother. He suddenly sees a little boy standing before him. He assumes him to be a hallucination of the Little Prince, but in reality, he was a young nomad. He notifies his village, and the men and the dog are brought there. They are offered water and food and quickly regained their physical and mental vigor. After thanking the elder, Jotaro tells him that they were looking for their friend, Absalom. The elder tells them that he lives on an oasis with his sister and mentions an accident that happened in Cairo. Suspecting DIO’s involvement, Jotaro asks for more information. The old man tells about Absalom’s past and his meeting with DIO.

Later, before bed, Jotaro and Polnareff discuss their plans and the story they heard from the elder. Polnareff complains about not being able to find his passcase, where he keeps girls’ phone numbers. Jotaro feels sympathetic towards Absalom, as his views and behavior are clearly a result of severe psychological trauma.

Jotaro, Polnareff, and Iggy receive some water and food from the old man and depart before sunrise. They see Satanic Coupler advancing towards them at full speed. They manage to dodge by a hair but are flung into the air by the shock wave. When they recover, Jotaro hears a terrified scream coming from Polnareff. He turns to see the “Little Prince” blocking the way of the train. With a loud thud, the boy is flung into the air before Absalom stops the train. A black object is dropped by the boy, which Polnareff identifies as his passcase. Jotaro tells the enraged Polnareff to bring the boy to the village, while he fights Absalom. Polnareff picks up the boy and heads to the oasis. Absalom charges at Jotaro. He throws himself on the ground to avoid the shockwave, Iggy hides in his pocket.

As the battle goes on, Jotaro’s moves become slow, and the uniform is covered in tears and Jotaro’s blood. Satanic Coupler manages to cut Jotaro’s hand, causing him to cry out in pain. Absalom prepares to deal a killing blow but notices that there are two Jotaros. The one on the right looked slightly unusual, but Absalom, in his confusion, couldn’t tell. They run in opposite directions, and Absalom unconsciously pushes the brakes. Absalom decides to pursue the Jotaro on the right since he has slower movements. When he was hit with the train’s spikes, the right Jotaro splits in half and disintegrates into sand. Meanwhile, the real Jotaro had already reached the train’s coupler and had now separated the locomotive from the passenger car. Absalom screams in desperation and stops the train with a turnabout. In a flash, the passenger car turns into a pile of steel beams with Joseph, Avdol, and Kakyoin. Smiling, they rush to Jotaro to thank him. Michal activates her Stand, Dark Mirage. Cisterns, factories, chimney stacks, intire office districts begin raining down, forming an industrial zone as maddening as the mirage-city. Following Joseph’s suggestion, they run to the buildings in the newly formed industrial area.

Jotaro, Joseph, Avdol, and Kakyoin find themselves in the middle of a two-hundred-meter-long corridor, quietly anticipating the next attack. Satanic Coupler knocks down a wall and begins persuing the group, dodging their attacks by digging through the walls. While discussing their plan of action, Jotaro hears the train crashing through a wall 50 meters away from them and comes to the conclusion that Absalom is just hitting the hallway randomly. He suggests simply to run, to the surprise of his friends. After running about a hundred meters, they reach a stairway and, as per Avdol’s suggestion, head to a warehouse. Avdol melts the door of the warehouse, and they get in. Satanic Coupler begins circling the warehouse, steadily coming closer. It makes a sharp turn towards them as they disperse. Joseph uses Hermit Purple to detach his prosthetic arm. When Satanic Coupler makes a turn, Joseph throws the arm under the wheels, spilling oil everywhere. Without any friction, the train couldn’t move. Jotaro unleashes Star Platinum’s barrage of punches on the underside of Satanic Coupler. At the same time, Polnareff strikes Michal, which causes the mirage to dissolve completely.

Michal is unconscious, while Absalom is spitting out blood, not ready to give up. He reveals that he has sent a microscopic version of his Stand inside Avdol’s body and that, if his psychic link with it ends, the boiler will explode. Jotaro shrinks Star Platinum and uses Star Finger to destroy the boiler. Absalom pukes out more blood and asks why they haven’t killed him yet. Jotaro responds that he wants to give him a chance to redeem himself and mentions that, after they kill DIO, he and his sister will have nowhere to go. Suddenly the villagers appear, and, after witnessing the scene, the elder decides that the Joestar group are the subjects of a devil called Ababasubombo. He says that Absalom and Michal are very precious to them, so he and the other villagers drive them off.

On the evening of the fifth day, the Joestar group put an end to their battle. They continue their journey, heading to a city at the base of the mountains, ten kilometers away. They wonder what could be the cause of Absalom’s hatred. Jotaro, touched lightly by a cool and damp breeze, turned around to realize how far he had traveled during those five days. Then he notices two dunes with a bright star above. Jotaro regrets turning around, realizing that the view was not at all unique. From the bottom of the hill, Polnareff tells Jotaro to get moving.

The Gravestone of Red-Hot Sand

Jotaro and Joseph discuss their next actions. Jotaro, ignoring Joseph’s suggestion to return to their hotel, heads into the crowd.

Night falls, Jotaro is looking for Joseph. He asks a street vendor if he’s seen him, but, instead of answering directly, he tries to make Jotaro buy a bottle of perfume in exchange for the information. Jotaro caves in, so the vendor tells him about two foreigners entering an alley.

The Scribe Ani is browsing The Genesis of Universe to find the right way to finish off Joseph, Polnareff, and Avdol. He then hears Jotaro’s mocking voice behind him. In spite of Joseph’s and Ani’s warnings, he is sure that he’ll be able to use Star Platinum before the old man finishes reading the selected passage to create another being. Unbeknownst to him, he had already summoned the beast-goddess Ammit under the road. Jotaro stumbles in the middle of a punch as the ground erupts beneath his feet, revealing the collosal demon Ammit. Star Platinum unleashes a barrage of fists on her, which proves to be completely ineffective; she doesn’t budge even a little. But, while chasing Jotaro, Ammit disappears in a cloud of smoke. Ani, in utter disbelief, looks through the book and notices a hole. Joseph reveals that he and Polnareff, in their previous attack, damaged The Genesis of Universe on purpose. Ani, again, searches for the right passage while he’s out of Jotaro’s range. Star Platinum acts quickly and throws a bottle of perfume at the old man, blinding him and giving Jotaro a chance to get close. Ani drops his Stand and starts rubbing his eyes. He tries to locate it on the ground, but it is already in Jotaro’s hands. Under Star Platinum’s flurry of punches, the old man and his Stand crumble into dust.

After being treated for their injuries, the Joestar group meets in a cafe. To Jotaro’s great annoyance, Joseph brags to him about saving his life, with Polnareff chiming in to also take the credit. Avdol wonders about the identity of The Scribe Ani. After a long pause, Jotaro responds that it doesn’t matter; he is now just sand in the desert.


The information below derives from JORGE JOESTAR which was not written by Araki. As such, it may not be considered canon .

In the light novel JORGE JOESTAR, Jotaro is mentioned to have killed DIO in Egypt like in the events of Stardust Crusaders. However, the DIO that Jotaro defeated is actually a vampire double that Dio Brando created. [62]

Eyes of Heaven

The information below derives from Eyes of Heaven which was not written and only supervised by Araki. As such, it may not be considered canon .

The story begins in the year 1988, in Egypt, as Jotaro fights and finally kills DIO on the Cairo Bridge. The following night, Jotaro discovers and burns a diary left behind by DIO, fearing a deeper meaning behind its contents. Jotaro, Joseph and Polnareff make their way to Cairo’s airport and Polnareff leaves to return to his native France. As Jotaro and Joseph turn to join their flight to Japan, they are suddenly stopped by a young Robert E. O. Speedwagon. Moreover, Polnareff comes back, claiming to have been attacked on his airplane. Then, the thought-to-be-deceased Muhammad Avdol and Iggy reappear, but as hostiles enemies who say they were sent by a mysterious “him” to eliminate the heroes.

To avoid endangering civilians, the heroes fight on the rooftops of Cairo and win. Then, Noriaki Kakyoin and N’Doul also reappear despite having supposedly died early and attack the heroes. They are also beaten, and Speedwagon uses a part of a mysterious Saint’s Corpse to restore Kakyoin’s sanity, although N’Doul escapes. Speedwagon thus explains that the Saint’s Corpse Part in his possession has led him through time in search of an unknown danger that is causing strange phenomena and slowly destroying the space-time continuum. The Joestar Group agrees to help the Englishman gather the remaining eight parts of the Saint’s Corpse. The group quickly finds the Corpse’s torso nearby, which is entrusted to Jotaro for safekeeping. Speedwagon then guides the heroes through a light rift that connects time periods and parallel worlds.

Jotaro and Speedwagon appear in Italy, 2001, at the Colosseum and meet Giorno, Mista and Trish who have just defeated Diavolo. They have to fend off a hostile Bruno Bucciarati, then Narancia with Fugo. Fugo escapes but Jotaro can restore Narancia with his Corpse Part. The group follows Bucciarati to the Naples Train Station where they fight him and Vanilla Ice. Giorno finds and secures the Head of the Saint’s Corpse. From now on, the heroes also use Coco Jumbo the turtle and its Stand ability to travel in one room together to avoid being scattered.

Jotaro and Joseph then travel to Morioh in 1999. Joseph recognizes the town, but quickly changes the subject and walks off when Jotaro questions him. They meet and befriend Josuke Higashikata as well as Koichi Hirose. They are attacked by Okuyasu Nijimura and Rohan Kishibe but beat them. Jotaro can thus restore Rohan, but Okuyasu escapes. The group goes to Boyoyoing Cape. Jotaro and Josuke confront the brainwashed Shigechi and Akira Otoishi and beat them, but both escape. During a reprieve, Jotaro forces Joseph to tell him the truth about their relationship. Yukako Yamagishi attacks them, but she is beaten and escapes. Finally, the heroes are attacked by Enya the Hag and a group of zombies under her control. After they win the battle, Enya disappears. With the coast clear, Jotaro finds the Corpse’s left arm and entrusts Josuke with it. Joseph then emerges from the turtle, revealing a camera he found inside. Via Joseph’s Hermit Purple, the group finally glimpses their true enemy: the photo reveals none other than DIO himself, despite his certain death at Jotaro’s hands.

The heroes traval to the year 1889 in the Joestar Mansion. Jotaro finds Jonathan Joestar, wounded after fighting off a horde of zombies to allow Speedwagon to find allies through space and time. Jotaro and Jonathan team up against the zombie horde and then a tag team between Dio Brando of this era and Diego Brando. Both are defeated and flee. The JoJos then have to fight Mariah and a revived yet brain-washed Will Anthonio Zeppeli, but the foes escape. As Jonathan collapses from exhaustion, Speedwagon returns the Corpse’s eyes to him and accompanies him into the turtle.

Jotaro and Joseph travel to Air Supplena Island in 1939 where they meet Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli and Joseph’s young self training. They are attacked by Lisa Lisa and Rudol von Stroheim but beat them. Stroheim escapes but Jotaro can restore Lisa Lisa, who remains unconscious for the moment. Caesar takes her inside the turtle. The heroes have to fend off Hol Horse who is defeated and flees. They are then attacked by the Pillar Men and an army of Vampires, but the older Joseph ultimately manages to bluff the Pillar Men into retreating by pretending the Red Stone of Aja is protected by a time bomb and they agree to fight in six days. Jotaro recovers the Corpse’s ears and gives them to the younger Joseph.

Jotaro and co. travel again only to find themselves in a place where the floor has become a sheer cliff, gravity having been tempered with. They have arrived in 2011 at Kennedy Space Center in the middle of the fight against C-MOON. Jotaro spots Jolyne Cujoh and Emporio Alnino who are fighting Ermes Costello and Narciso Anasui who are brainwashed. They are happy to see Jotaro “back”, but are stunned to discover it is a younger Jotaro from the past. Jotaro helps beat and restore Ermes and Anasui. Anasui becomes jealous because Jolyne seems close to him, but she explains Jotaro is her father, which surprises even Jotaro. Jotaro orders everyone in the turtle so that Joseph can bear the hassle of explaining everything. At this moment, Jotaro and Jolyne are attacked by a revived and evil Weather Report. They beat him but he escapes. Finally, they fight Enrico Pucci and Pet Shop. Despite Pucci’s unsuccessful attack on the father-daughter duo, he announces his intent to guide the people of the world to eternal bliss through the true path to Heaven, which he dubs the “Eyes of Heaven.” As he and Pet Shop depart, Pucci warns Jotaro that, once his group gathers the entire Saint’s Corpse, “his friend” will draw open the curtains to Heaven himself.

Jotaro finds and entrusts the Right Arm of the Saint’s Corpse to Jolyne. The group returns to Morioh and try to travel to another place through a light rift. However, Jotaro is strangely unable to enter the rift in spacetime. In fact, only Jonathan and Josuke can cross it. The rest of the group is trapped in Morioh. They soon meet Daniel J. D’Arby who is sitting at the Café Deux Magots. D’Arby coerces Jolyne into betting her soul on a coin flip and steals her soul when he wins. Jotaro discovers that D’Arby simply had a coin with tails on both sides. D’Arby then challenges Jotaro in order to get his revenge, but Jotaro eventually comes out on top and retrieves Jolyne’s soul. Before disappearing, D’Arby warns Jotaro that “his” power is not to be trifled with. Jotaro deduces from Enya and Pucci’s earlier clues that the true enemy’s power has something to do with “overwriting the truth.”

Jonathan and Josuke travel separately through space and time, and manage to retrieve two other corpse parts, and also bring back Johnny Joestar, Josuke from “JoJolion” as well as Joshu Higashikata to Morioh. Enya reappears and attacks the heroes, but she is beaten. However, she is strangely happy to know that the Joestars have collected eight corpse parts. Suddenly, everything begins to tremble as the reality around the group disappears into a celestial ocean. A figure approaches the group, proclaiming that their Corpse parts have reacted to the Corpse’s spine and brought them to “the foundation of the world.” The one speaking to them finally reveals himself: it is none other than DIO, though he bears a radically different appearance from his 1988 counterpart.

Somehow, DIO has managed to make his Stand even more powerful. It is now The World Over Heaven who can easily shrug off the powers of Tusk ACT4 and Gold Experience Requiem. Jotaro manages to wound it with Star Platinum but DIO still easily heals. After pummeling the three strongest Joestars away, DIO uses his own corpse part to draw the rest to him, absorbing the corpse parts and amplifying his power even further. Before DIO can eliminate the Joestars, however, light rifts appear at their feet. As his enemies escape, DIO realizes that he is missing one Corpse part: the torso, which remains in Jotaro’s possession.

The Joestars escape back to Air Supplena Island. Suddenly, Funny Valentine reappears and challenges Jotaro to a fight, hoping to witness the power of Star Platinum. By doing so, Valentine realizes that Star Platinum and The World are the same type of Stand, even after their evolution, explaining why DIO was unable to take Jotaro’s part of the Corpse. Valentine explains how during his travels through parallel worlds, he stumbled upon a version of DIO who wiped out the Joestars and evolved his Stand to its full potential, conquering reality itself. Valentine explains that he’s working for DIO now, but that he wants to find a way to defeat him. He explains that no two same objects from the same universe cannot coexist because they will merge and disappear if they get too close. Thus, Valentine tells Jotaro to gather the original DIO’s remains.

Jotaro returns to the Cairo of 1988, where he finds the bracelets of the original universe’s DIO. Remembering Valentine’s advice, Jotaro takes the bracelets in hopes that they might prove useful. Meanwhile, the other Joestars collect the Corpse Parts again. Jotaro and Jolyne follow the last Corpse part to the Joestar Mansion, where Pucci awaits him. Pucci, aware of what Jotaro is about to ask, states that there is nothing they can do against DIO’s power, and that those foolish enough to oppose him will face Heaven’s judgement. The priest sends a horde of zombies after the two, but they are quickly wiped out. Declaring his love for DIO one final time, Pucci throws himself from the second floor and impales himself on the Statue of the Goddess of Love, ending his life and preventing the group from uncovering DIO’s weakness. Even with this setback, Jotaro retrieves the eyes of the Saint’s Corpse.

The group finally returns to Egypt to confront Heaven-Attained DIO. Jotaro and Johnny face DIO in battle, where he demonstrates his power over space and time, including the power to turn his enemies against themselves. Despite all odds, the two seemingly defeat him, only for DIO to immediately heal his wounds. DIO additionally reveals that he discreetly marked Coco Jumbo with The World Over Heaven during the battle, thus obtaining power over all of those inside the turtle. As Jotaro and Jolyne stay behind to battle DIO once more, the other Joestars and Speedwagon use the light rifts to track down and restore their allies. However, Giorno realizes too late that DIO’s true plan was to separate the Joestars and their allies from Jotaro and Jolyne, allowing him to overwrite the group and absorb their souls at full power, along with the complete Saint’s Corpse. DIO, who now holds the power to rewrite the universe itself to his liking, strikes Jotaro decisively and proclaims his complete victory. and yet Jotaro remains standing. To the surprise of both DIO and Jolyne, Star Platinum has evolved into Star Platinum Over Heaven and countered DIO’s ability, being the same type of Stand as DIO’s. With their hope reinforced, the Kujos make one final stand against DIO.

Despite his defeat, DIO simply heals his wounds once more before killing Jolyne and absorbing her soul. DIO approaches a wounded Jotaro and prepares to finally eradicate the Joestar family for good. At the last moment, Jotaro remembers Valentine’s advice and reveals the original DIO’s bracelets, which fuse with Heaven-Attained DIO’s bracelets and destroy his hands, putting The World Over Heaven’s ability out of commission. Though DIO blinds Jotaro with his own blood, Jotaro finishes DIO with one final barrage, destroying him completely and putting a definite end to his menace. The souls DIO has absorbed leave his body as Jotaro’s view is engulfed by light.

Jotaro finds himself in Cairo, at the moment after he burned DIO’s diary. Joseph and Polnareff catch up to him, informing him that Avdol, Iggy, and Kakyoin are resting in the hospital. The three make their way to the city’s airport, where Polnareff parts ways with the two Joestars to stay behind and take care of his friends. As they leave for Japan, Jotaro and Joseph promise to return to Egypt one day once their friends fully recover. As the game draws to a close, it is revealed that the Joestars and their friends in other eras have survived as well, a brighter timeline having come about despite all of the hardships they have faced.


  1. ↑ 1.01.1 Chapter 114: Jotaro Kujo, Part 1
  2. Stardust Crusaders Episode 1: A Man Possessed by an Evil Spirit, timestamps: 2:11 Police Station’s name; 3:51 Holy’s flashbacks of Jotaro
  3. ↑ Chapter 115: Jotaro Kujo, Part 2
  4. ↑ Chapter 116: Jotaro Kujo, Part 3
  5. ↑ 5.05.1 Chapter 117: The Man with the Star Birthmark
  6. ↑ Chapter 118: Noriaki Kakyoin, Part 1
  7. ↑ Chapter 119: Noriaki Kakyoin, Part 2
  8. ↑ Chapter 120: Noriaki Kakyoin, Part 3
  9. ↑ Chapter 121: The Power Called a “Stand”
  10. ↑ Chapter 122: Head to Egypt
  11. ↑ Chapter 123: Tower of Gray
  12. ↑ 12.012.1Silver Chariot (story arc)
  13. ↑ 13.013.1Dark Blue Moon (story arc)
  14. ↑Strength (story arc)
  15. ↑ 15.015.1Devil (story arc)
  16. ↑Yellow Temperance (story arc)
  17. ↑Emperor and Hanged Man (story arc)
  18. ↑ 18.018.1High Priestess (story arc)
  19. ↑Empress (story arc)
  20. ↑Wheel of Fortune (story arc)
  21. ↑ 21.021.1Justice (story arc)
  22. ↑ 22.022.1Lovers (story arc)
  23. ↑Sun (story arc)
  24. ↑Death Thirteen (story arc)
  25. ↑Judgement (story arc)
  26. ↑ 26.026.1″The Fool” Iggy and “Geb” N’Doul (story arc)
  27. ↑”Khnum” Oingo and “Tohth” Boingo (story arc)
  28. ↑Anubis (story arc)
  29. ↑”Bastet” Mariah (story arc)
  30. ↑”Sethan” Alessi (story arc)
  31. ↑ Chapter 210: Shooting DIO?!
  32. ↑ 32.032.1D’Arby the Gambler (story arc)
  33. ↑Hol Horse and Boingo (story arc)
  34. ↑The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop (story arc)
  35. ↑ 35.035.1D’Arby the Player (story arc)
  36. ↑The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice (story arc)
  37. ↑ Chapter 246: Suzi Q Joestar Visits Her Daughter
  38. ↑’s World (story arc)
  39. ↑ 39.039.1 Chapter 265: The Faraway Journey, Farewell Friends
  40. Stone Ocean Chapter 48: Torrential Downpour Warning, Part 1
  41. ↑ Chapter 569: A Little Story From the Past
  42. ↑Jotaro Kujo Meets Josuke Higashikata! (story arc)
  43. ↑ 43.043.1Josuke Higashikata Meets Angelo! (story arc)
  44. ↑The Nijimura Brothers (story arc)
  45. ↑Koichi Hirose (Echoes) (story arc)
  46. ↑Toshikazu Hazamada (Surface) (story arc)
  47. ↑Red Hot Chili Pepper (story arc)
  48. ↑We Picked Up Something Crazy! (story arc)
  49. ↑ 49.049.1Let’s Go Hunting! (story arc)
  50. ↑ Chapter 347: The People of Morioh
  51. ↑Sheer Heart Attack (story arc)
  52. ↑Atom Heart Father (story arc)
  53. ↑Another One Bites the Dust (story arc)
  54. ↑Crazy Diamond Is Unbreakable (story arc)
  55. ↑ Chapter 437: Let Me Remind You
  56. ↑ Chapter 439: Goodbye, Morioh – The Golden Heart
  57. ↑ 57.057.1 ‘Stone OceanChapter 18: The Visitor, Part 8
  58. ↑Gold Experience (story arc)
  59. ↑Bucciarati Is Coming (story arc)
  60. Stone Ocean Chapter 1: Stone Ocean, Part 1 p.16
  61. ↑SO Episode 37
  62. JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 16: Beyond II